Understanding The Name of Jesus – Part2

Understanding The Name of Jesus – Part 2

Gen.1:26 Dominion and Authority

Dominion has a very strong meaning that is to ‘tread down, subjugate, to prevail, to rule and reign over, to take your dominion”. What we must understand is that our dominion relates to our image – the image we see in prayer is in the dominion we will function in! Now we see what Jesus accomplished for us to restore the image, all have sinned and come short of the Glory. Now we are in Christ and the Glory is restored. In Jesus’ resurrection, we now have the Name, to manifest His countenance to take that Name and exercise our authority for that dominion to come in completeness. Jesus was raised by the Glory of the Father, so that means everything that has come to life has to come through the Glory for it to have dominion. “But we see Jesus, who was made a little inferior to the angels because of the suffering of death, crowned with Glory and Honour so that by the Grace of God He might taste death on behalf of everything”. And because of that that He has brought everything under His dominion so that we can exercise our authority over everything He has brought and put under His feet! Because He created all things, He had to redeem all things. The heavens and the earth, the visible, the invisible, thrones or Lordships rulers’ authorities. He subjected all things under His feet and gave Him Head over all things to the church.

Who is at the right hand of God, having gone into heaven, angels and authorities and powers BEING SUBJECTED TO HIM – 1 Pet. 3:22

We have been translated out of the control and dromion of darkness and been given over into the Kingdom of light [Col. 1:13].  We are no longer seated on earth but in heavenly places far above all principalities and powers. We are seated with Christ [Eph. 2:6] that is our position of prayer. We must see ourselves not praying to a place but from a place of dominion far above! He is risen and seated at the right hand of authority, who also maketh intercession for us, but in heaven itself to appear in the presence of God for us! He makes Himself known just like He did to the disciples to say I am alive. He reveals Himself in manifestation as the resurrected Christ in Glory! He appears in His countenance FACE TO FACE! To go and meet a person for conversation or to go and consult on an issue and have a divine intervention! He is our Great Heavenly High Priest!

When we lose the revelation of the Name – We lose the Power of the Name! Pastor Eugene Leonard

This scripture opened my eyes in 1 John 4:17 – because as He is so we in this world. How is Jesus in heaven doing? Is He Glorified, so are we doing the greater works. Are all His prayers answered before the throne – he said whatever we ask the Father in His name! Is Jesus living in defeat, No He lives in total victory, and so do we because our faith overcomes the world. As He is in heaven so are we in this world! We have a scripture in Rom. 5:17 which says WE reign AS KINGS IN THIS LIFE. He has made us Kings and Priests to rule and reign on the earth – Rev.5:10. Jesus said I have the keys of the kingdom of David to open and to shut a door. So, what opens the door the Name of Jesus, and the whole of heaven stands in line with the authority of that open door. Because Jesus has been raised from the dead, we have now a Better Covenant Name, and the will He has left us we now obtain all the inheritance, all the power, all the life, all the victory. All is ours now because it has been ratified by the Blood of the everlasting covenant!

Through which He has granted to us precious and exceedingly great promises, that through these you might become partakers of the divine nature – II Peter 1:4. That Name carries all the promises of God for us to extend the rule of the Kingdom!

The authority equals the anointing to have a commanding word. Jesus could not command or cast any devil or take authority over the works of the devil or saw and did any miracle or minister to the sick UNTIL HE WAS ANOINTED AND THE SCRIPTURE FULFILLED! You must be anointed to exercise your authority. It is like Superman you must be suited up. What Word is this? For with AUTHORITY AND POWER, He commanded – Luke 4:36

1 – Authority exousia = the power of influence, rule, or government, the power of him whose will and commands must be submitted and obeyed, who possesses authority.         

2 – Power dunamis = Inherent power to exert to put forth, power to perform, a power that rests upon an army, power residing in my virtue, a force released, miraculous power, an abundance of violent strength, inherent power means to enable court judgment to make lawful actions.

“But you shall receive power [dunamis] after the Holy Spirit comes upon you” – Acts 1:8. Another word means dynamo where we get the word to build up inherent power through the active release of the flow of the Spirit like a river that becomes a flood! I remember as a kid I had a light on my bike and a dynamo was connected to my wheel so the faster I rode my bike the stronger the light shone. That means the power was in the dynamo, but it had to be activated by increased active power to produce the light! The more I pray in the Spirit I stir up the anointing of the Word in My Spirit through the Glory of God then the miraculous power is released!

When Jesus spoke to the wind and the waves subsided, He knew the enemy did not want him to minister to a demon-possessed man. He knew the power of the spoken word that carried the anointed word to destroy the plans of the enemy! Jesus carried the dominion of Gen. 1:26 as the last Adam He came and fulfilled it so that He said take My Name and exercise the authority and rulership over the earth that I have given you! Jesus paid the full price of redeeming us completely out of darkness into His glorious light in Col. 1:13. Paul says we have been translated out of the dominion of darkness and bought us in the Kingdom of His domain; Him being raised from the dead by the Glory of the Father gives and puts us in a place of ruling and reigning in Christ far above powers and principalities!

We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him [Rom.6:9]. It is not just death itself but everything that is the result of destruction the cause and the effect of it. Everything that causes you to regress in any form and situation. He became the curse, so that He conquered death completely, and the result of death gave us His triumphant victory in His resurrection, meaning giving us complete authority and dominion of what He conquered [Gal. 3:13]! Hallelujah!!

We have a title deed of the ownership of the NAME OF JESUS to exercise our dominion through the Spirit of Faith. The Name of Jesus will not profit us if it is not mixed with faith. Jesus, who is the Word, became flesh, now that name of Jesus has been Glorified and carries the same faith of the Word, we can exercise our dominion and authority! Through faith, we understand that the worlds were framed or set in order by the Spoken-inspired anointed life-giving Rhema Word. The Name of Jesus now sets in order God’s plan in motion, and on the other hand destroys the plans of the enemy!

Study book – The Name of Jesus = Kenneth Hagin

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