Commanding in The Name!
Understanding The Name of Jesus – Part 3
Commanding in the Name!
When Jesus is our example and we follow Him as our leader we need wisdom, and the leading of the Spirit to walk correctly, to do the greater works He said we would do. When we say Jesus’ commanded the unclean spirit to come out. His life was an example to the Father, being well-pleasing. We cannot live a life outside the Word and have the same results as the Word. As a young believer, I remember praying and commanding this specific foul spirit to leave. He then trusted me with His authority and the use of His Name to be faithful and to use His commanding word to execute judgment on the plans of the enemy and his kingdom. Now He trusts me with nations! I saw that in a vision in 1986!
Jesus said to the sons of thunder as they wanted to command fire to come down just like Elijah. But they did not understand or have the same situation as Elijah. Their command would have been out of line. Jesus said I have come to save lives in this instance not to judge [Luke 9:54-56]! You command because you have God’s heart for people and His righteousness is working to see His Kingdom advance! I have seen where you deal directly with the devil, and then that righteous indignation rises to destroy his plans! Then you can demand! Bro. Hagin said when I deal with spiritual things, I must be in the spirit to be effective to cast out by command! It is like with a dog that wants to attack you, are you going to be nice and gentle – No you say GET OUT OF HERE!
When invaders attacked us in our house, my sons and I used the Name of Jesus with such force and command. They ran out faster than they come in! I saw my father rebuke a man with such force he thought he was slapped physically in the face!! I have seen people walk in reverse, and run! I have seen people freeze with the authority of the Name of Jesus. I have seen physical fights stop. I have seen the Glory manifested through the prophetic decree and miracles; healings happen supernaturally!
We must always come back to the Word as our foundation. John 15:7 Jesus made a statement about abiding in the vine and said: “If you abide in Me [and my words are in living communion with you] and My words abide [live in power] in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you.” God’s word the Rhema life-giving, that word must be at home in you, then you can ask because that is His will, and He hears His Word spoken in faith releases the Zoe life of God! God responds emphatically with a Yes, it’s done! Abiding in the vine and abiding in the word is in the vine that creates the flow of life to sustain and provide growth and fruit. In this, the Father is glorified because you are bearing PRAYER FRUIT THAT REMAINS! The word makes us one with Him, whatever we ask, it is not only we that are praying, but also, He is praying in our praying.
We command life to come!
What is the difference between commanding in the name and asking in the name? When the enemy attacks in sickness, depression, fear, lies, etc. And you know he comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus said in John 14:13 – whatever you ASK in My name I WILL DO IT. Commanding and demanding for satan to take his hands off the situation. When I ask the Father in Jesus’ name, the Father (which is in line with the word) will give it to you in His name so that my joy will be made full – John 16:23,24. The word ask means to desire, an urgent need, a request, standing on the promises of the word, search for something hidden. When you delight yourself in Him you will have desires from Him!
Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his maker. Ask me of things to come concerning my sons and concerning the work of My hands command ye Me! Is. 45:11. When the Lord allows us to ask, and to inquire by prayer. We can ask of things are to come the Spirit will reveal to us the future John 16:13 – what needs to be accomplished and the prayers that need to be answered. There are signs and wonders that we should pray for. The Lord opens the door for us as His people to put Him in remembrance of His promises and prophecies, not to plead for but to stand for. As we require those words, we pray the prayer of faith. Faith in our prayers has great power with God, keeping the covenant to hold His word in accountable. Knowing God will make good His promise. He does not lie! We do not give him rest, day or night, fulfilling the things concerning his sons of Glory. We are asking and we are receiving commands in prayer to pray concerning His hands of His Kingdom.
Put me in remembrance, let us plead together: declare thou – Is.43:26 like a lawyer taking his case before a judge standing on behalf of his client. Elijah at his word the rain stopped for 3 years because the words he carried were true. He knew how to command because He had a word from God. Judgment came upon those who wanted to kill him. He had a commanding word because he was in right standing and fellowship, he heard the still voice, and was obedient!
When we stand in the same place of obedience with a heart of humility yielded in grace desiring the complete will of God, we will have the same results. Paul spoke to Elymas and said your enemy of righteousness was commanded because he hindered the gospel and was blind for a season [Acts 12:6-12]. This sign caused the deputy to believe and get saved.
When we stay in a place of fellowship, I put myself in a position of hearing from heaven and having a word of command to decree and declare and see the power of God manifest. Let me give an example. I phoned this lady that had cancer in her breast and commanded cancer to leave her. She went to have a bath and a substance began to flow out of her breast, and as this fluid left her breast she was restored, the cancer left, and her breast returned to normal!
Jesus commanded unclean, evil spirits and demons to leave. He spoke to the wind. His compassion and love were so commanding that He healed them all. He commanded the man to take his bed. The centurion said to speak the word only and my servant shall be whole. We see the disciples getting a revelation of the name in the book of Acts as they never asked in the name of Jesus. They commanded to be healed be made whole come out in Jesus’ Name. When the church loses the revelation of the name of Jesus – it loses the authority of the name! Ask the Holy Spirit to teach us more about the Name of Jesus eternity will not be long enough!
John 14:10 – the words I speak to you, I do not speak from My own authority.
I need prayer for my lungs and my heart only works 30-40% please ask Our Heavenly Father to heal me! Thank U in JESUS NAME ????
We declare healing in the name of Jesus! we come in agreement with your faith that you are healed right now in the name of Jesus.