“When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment. For she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.” – Mark 5:27-28.
Central Truth: Faith is an expectation to receive what it believes for.
When we come to the subject of faith, we cannot separate ourselves from the life that Jesus lived as an example of the life of faith. Then Paul comes along and writes in his epistles and explains to us that the righteous live by faith. We live by the covenant promises that is yes and amen!
The law makes us beggars but grace, through faith, makes us extremely good receivers, and on top of that, victorious. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the anointed word. I turn my faith loose in my heart when I speak with my mouth and believe the words I speak in my heart, and I know that I am fully persuaded that which God said is so. We are the seed of Abraham, so by that merit, we are of faith and are blessed with believing Abraham! We are not under the curse but under promise of the Spirit which is the guarantee of the complete fulfilment of redemption!
When this woman in Mark chapter 5 hears of Jesus, her faith erupts, and her expectation level raises above her 12 years of bleeding. She sees herself healed and whole. Her past failures of not receiving healing and all her money spent on doctors did not HOLD HER in her past to receive what she was believing God for. Her level of desperation and expectation superseded her natural circumstance. Her faith needed to be expressed for her to receive her miracle. What does she do? She begins to say, “If I can only touch the hem of His Torah. If I can only touch the Word who became flesh. If my faith can only connect with His faith.”
If she only stood there and said if I can only touch his garment, I will be made whole, and said it over and over again, and never touched Him, she would not have received her miracle. But she acted on her faith and loosed her faith to receive her miracle. She SAID IT over and over until she was so consumed with expectation and determination that nothing would stop her. She was speaking to her mountain. Not her uncleanness, not her past, not her debt, not the condition of hopelessness, not feeling sorry for herself. NOTHING STOPS FAITH THAT IS DETERMINED AND PERSISTANT LIKE A BULL DOG!
She begins to crawl to Jesus through the crowd with such expectation and boldness because that is what faith does. Faith needs agreement to become active to receive. Her agreement is looking for Jesus, the miracle carrier. All she could say to herself is, “When I touch the Word, the healing in the Word will restore me!”
With authority, she grasps with both hands the embroidered bottom part of His garment. Mark 5:29 says, “Immediately the fountain of her blood dried up.” So, that tells me she was still bleeding when she crawled on her knees. Faith always receives now! And it says she knew in her body that she was made whole of this disease that brought such shame like the hitting of a whip of condemnation.
The enemy used this disease to torment her in her mind through fear and the people’s judgement. She came to a place of saying enough is enough, today I will be restored! Faith doesn’t take no for an answer. In verse 30 it says that Jesus knew immediately in Himself that the anointing to heal was released from Him because this woman made a demand on the miraculous. The word from her mouth received the manifestation that her faith believed for from the anointing that carried that Glory. She loosed her faith! She went from an insignificant woman to a daughter of significance – a descendant of Abraham! Faith will always cause you to rise above your status quo and put you in a place of honour!
“His disciples answered, “What do you mean, who touched you? Look at this huge crowd—they’re all pressing up against you.” – Mark 5:31.
Jesus looked on purpose to see who touched Him in faith, and with faith. Then in awe and trembling from the anointing, she worshipped and fell under the power of that Glory at His feet. Her healing was sealed by testifying to the goodness she received. Jesus makes this profound statement: Daughter, your faith has restored and healed you! Peace [shalom], nothing lost nothing broken.
She was restored back in her finances, her mind, her physical condition, and life more abundantly – everything she expected to receive was already given but her believing with her heart and saying it with her mouth received what already was hers. She released her expectation and acted upon it. Her life is an example for our prayer life to receive all that has already been provided. She said it, she believed it, she acted upon it, and she received what she expected. She saw the answer before she received the answer.
Now, it is time to declare and speak out your authority and boldly release your words of faith and say:
“I am experiencing, right now, the unprecedented favour and breakthrough in my life. I am seeing, right now, unparalleled healing and restoration in my life and family. It is unequalled in the manifestation of the demonstration of the extraordinary power of God. I am experiencing, right now, financial increase uncommon and exceptional breakthrough to establish His covenant. It will be unheard of how God brought me to a wealthy place, it will be without parallel. I am experiencing, right now, the fullness of His will, plan, and purpose for my life. I am walking, right now, in an outstanding manifestation of the Glory of God in my calling and destiny and family. I am experiencing the unprecedented in every area of my life and receive unequalled wisdom and blessing. The exceptional, out-of-the-ordinary to accomplish all I have been called to. I receive the unprecedented manifestation of signs and wonders of my healing and miracle in my life and family. It will be so out of the ordinary that the awe of God shall shake people into reality. “
Say it boldly and say, “I receive the unprecedented right now” and say, “It’s mine” daily. Believe in your heart and say it with your mouth, as you say what God says about you, and who you are!
Memory text: “But what saith it! The Word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is the word of faith, which we preac.h” – Romans 10:8.
Lesson in action: “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only…” – James 1:22