The Promise is in His Presence – Part 2

The Promise is In His Presence – Part 2

2 Cor. 1:22 – He has also appropriated and acknowledged us as His by putting His seal upon us and giving us His Holy Spirit in our hearts as the security deposit and guarantee of the fulfillment of HIS PROMISE!

When we walk in the presence we become a manifestation of the promise. We are believers so we need to believe in our words because as we think that makes us what we believe in our words! The woman with the issue of blood believed in her words when she said if I but touch the hem of His garment I shall be made whole. She released the presence to touch the promise! She said it, believed it, acted on it, and received it! She released the presence to touch the promise! Jesus said who touched the Promise with the Presence! She touched Jesus in faith and was made whole whatever she lost in 12 years she was restored to a better life! Because that is what the PROMISE does!

Jesus is the Word who created all things by Him and He becomes flesh. He says to Peter cast your net out for a catch on the other side. Peter says we are fishermen we know our business we have worked all night and caught nothing. If there is no fish, there is no fish! They were mending their nets meaning they were in no mood or attitude to catch any fish. Between the word, we have toiled all night, and nevertheless but at your Rhema Word, WE WILL LET DOWN THE NET. Peter got the revelation that Jesus was teaching him that HE JESUS IS THE SOURCE AND THAT ALL THINGS SUBMIT AND ARE UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE WORD. And that all things are submitted to the WORD! Because the Word created the fish, and what Word you speak to the fish of dominion we have authority for the fish to obey! We see in Peter in his Epistles and the Book of Acts how he exalted the Word. In Matt 16 he gets the revelation of who Jesus is that He is the Christ, and that the church is built upon this rock of the Anointed One who carries the Anointing and destroys every yoke of the evil one and the gates of hell shall not prevail. Peter uses “THE WORD” ten times in His Epistle!

I have seen in my calling the Promises manifest by speaking what Jesus taught us to speak that carries the Presence. In raising the dead, the blind, deaf, new hearts, lungs, spines, and kidneys, miracles of flesh restored, praying against storms and lightening, cars that work and start, praying for the wind to keep the engine cool,  petrol not run out, accidents averted, turbulence as we fly to cease, legs straighten, eyes that were squint normal, ladies could not have babies, cancers falling off, bones pop out and restored, cripple legs become normal, seeing without eye lenses, praying for rain in drought, baby in womb lives, being chased by an angry man with a gun, blood flow stops instantly, people fall to the ground that wants to choke us, prophetic words coming into full manifestation, the supernatural is natural to a Christian living in His Presence so that the promise can manifest. Glory to God living in the Presence makes the Promise real!

Blind Bartolomeu says, “Son of David, have mercy upon me,” meaning he calls on all the covenant promises to manifest. He cries louder in the Presence, releasing his words of faith because he needs to touch the promise. Jesus hears the presence of his cry and asks him, “What Promise do you need?” He says, “That I might receive my sight!”

In whom you also, hearing the word of truth [faith comes], the gospel of your salvation, in whom also believing you were sealed WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF THE PROMISE [Eph. 1:13]. Who is the pledge of our inheritance, unto the redemption of the acquired possession to the praise of His Glory = Eph. 2:13, 14. The Holy Spirit is the Presence that carries the fulfillment of every Promise sealed by the Blood released by the word of faith! Have you ever heard that words are containers, and it is sent to whoever calls for them? When someone calls your name, you respond yes, because words contained your name and you heard your name and responded to what was said. The same with sickness or blessings whatever you’re calling has been attracted to you [Rom.4:17 calling things that do exist in the Spirit into manifestation]. Words become magnets. The Presence carries the Promise. Whatever is in the presence becomes your promise of what you have called. Jesus made this spiritual statement – YOU CAN HAVE WHATEVER YOU SAY!! Jesus said, that He is The Yes and Amen of every Promise, and He connects Himself to every Promise through the ANOINTING [The Presence]. When I yield to the anointing the presence I receive the Promise of what I am believing. The Anointing comes through the word, through praise and worship. And it comes because of the blood, it comes because my heart is reaching heaven through love and obedience! God’s Word is Anointed!

When the Lord said to Elijah go to Zarephath I have commanded a widow to sustain you. She has a handful of flour, and a cruse of oil left just for her and her son, then after that, we die. Elijah says make me a meal, and bring it to me, and then make it for you and your son. Elijah had a promise for her, but she had to release the promise by acting in obedience and not to fear. Elijah releases the presence and the promise manifest that barrel of meal and cruse of oil did not waste for a whole year! Supernatural provision. Joseph’s wheat did not run out for 7 years!

Elisha asks this widow that the creditors take her sons as payment and that she must get empty vessels and even borrow all you can. She has a pot of oil. Elisha closes the doors and pours oil into all the vessels until they are full. All the oil stays, and they sell it and pay the creditors. The promise is in the presence! Faith is always a doer of the Word when we act on what we have heard!

We have a key let us use the key to Glorify Him and His Kingdom. Jesus makes this statement by saying, Father the words you gave Me I have given them [John 17: 6-9]. The life-speaking words that you gave Me to fulfill I gave to them as a sign to do the GREATER WORKS!

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