The Promise is in His Presence!

The Promise is In His Presence!

2 Cor. 1:22 – He has also appropriated and acknowledged us as His by putting His seal upon us and giving us His Holy Spirit in our hearts as the security deposit and guarantee of the fulfillment of HIS PROMISE!

When we understand the Presence, we know where the promise is. We are carriers of His Glory of His presence that carry the promise. When the presence of His Glory is manifested, the promise is revealed. How do we release the promise through His Presence? One day the Lord spoke to me and said the Image of Christ is in the Glory, so the more you are changed by the Glory the more the anointing will manifest through your life!

God faithfully performs His Word through us because it is Yes and Amen!

2 Cor. 1:20 = The Promises[blessings] of God there are in Him is the Yes; wherefore also through Him is the Amen to God, for glory through us. God never changes so do His promises, especially His promises concerning Christ. The apostles lived Christ they manifested Christ as the yes and amen! We must understand that Christ is THE FULLFILLMENT OF EVERY PROMISE. Amen is not the end of your prayer, but it is an agreement that everything said IS SO, and you make it yours by saying I TAKE IT AND MAKE IT MINE! Your prayer is your agreement, and you say Amen to that. Jesus wants to hear your prayer that is in line with His WORD so that He can say AMEN AND YES TO IT! Because Christ is the fulfilment of all God’s promises, this is the Glory of God through us! He is saying that every PROMISE IS IN THE PRESENCE OF HIS GLORY, SO WHEN THE GLORY IS RELEASED THROUGH WORDS THE PROMISE IN THE GLORY IS MANIFESTED!

2 Cor. 1:21 = But He who firmly attaches us with you unto Christ and has anointed us is God! Christ attaches[connects] Himself as the PROMISE TO HIMSELF CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE.

2 Cor. 1:22 = Who has also sealed us and given the pledge of the Spirit in our hearts. The anointing also speaks of the sealing of the Promise as a mark that we are God’s inheritance. God’s possession. The pledge is the guarantee that God is our heritage belonging to us. We are marked by the Holy Spirit as a living epistle. We are bearing the mark of His image signified by the seal thus making us like Him. The PROMISES indicate that which God has planned according to His will is in the PROMISE. So, what is He saying, He is saying that in the PROMISE IS HIS WILL AND PLAN AND PURPOSE FOR OUR LIVES! THE GLORY IS THE EXPRESSION OF ALL HIS PROMISES – I BECOME AN EXPRESSION! God gives us the Holy Spirit not only as a guarantee of our inheritance securing our heritage but also as a foretaste of what belongs to us in CHRIST. The Holy Spirit gives us a taste of Heaven on earth! God’s redemption through the precious blood we become God’s possession because we have been purchased as His own! We give nothing and we get everything. God acquired us at a cost, but we inherit God at no cost. This is the praise of God’s Glory! 

  1. The anointing imparts the PROMISE
  2. The impartation is an impression to express God’s image THE PROMISE
  3. The foretaste and guarantee of the FULL TASTE

The anointing of the Spirit is the portion of Christ that witnesses with our spirit and is poured out as He works in us HIS PERFECT WILL!

The key is Jesus is the Yes and Amen of every Promise that connects Himself as the fulfilment through the ANOINTING IN THAT PROMISE that says Yes and Amen – when I come in agreement believing in my heart and saying it with my mouth releases the Presence in the Promise as a Fulfilment – when Jesus hang on the cross and said it is finished saying every PROMISE IS SEALED BY THE BLOOD AND THE SPIRITS PLEDGE IS THE GUARANTEE – IT IS DONE!

When Pray I release the Presence through words that carry THE PROMISE!

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