“And you have an anointing [unction] from the Holy One, and you know all things.” – 1 John 2:20
The anointing is the moving and working of the indwelling compound Spirit which is fully typified by the anointing oil, the smearing in, the compound ointment in Ex. 30:23-25. This is the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit from the Holy One that entered into us at the time of regeneration and abides forever and you know all things that the anointing carries on the inside of you.
The anointing knows all things. So when you flow in the anointing you are flowing in supernatural knowing! The word “know” means to perceive to see, discern, observe what must change and examine and behold the facts and bring them in line with the truth of the Word because now I understand the meaning and am skilled to perform to bring change.
The faith in the anointing will respond to the faith in you to receive whatever you need and want to pray for. Because you have the answer in you because it abides in you, and you have the anointing in you! To know things, we have to carry truth and begin to have a revelation of that truth that stirs up for that unction to function!
The life supply that comes from the anointing flows into a powerful prayer life that sustains you with the supply of the Spirit of Life. As a young believer, the Lord taught me the revelation of fellowship with Him and spending time in His presence through study and meditation of the Word and opening the door to a greater understanding through Praise and Worship. He said to understand Him I had to fellowship with Him, meaning I had to have deeper intimacy and closeness with Him to know His ways and follow His plan for my life!
For me, Psalm 1 progressed me to a place, of being planted by the rivers. You must be planted in the Kingdom to partake of the Kingdom. “They are like trees growing beside a stream, trees that produce fruit in season and always have leaves. Those people succeed in everything they do” – Psalm 1:3 [CEV]
For me to produce prayer fruit I had to be transplanted next to the rivers of water! Notice it says stream. I had to flow with the different kinds of anointings of prayer to produce fruit to increase the waters to produce more fruit for the harvest. In John 7:37-39, Jesus said out of your belly shall flow a torrent [flood] of living waters! We must increase the supply of life [Phil. 1:19] to have an increase of the anointing to accomplish more and not limit that outflow that changes people, spheres, and nations!
The inward teaching by the anointing through our inner spiritual consciousness of our spirit man. That anointing adds line upon line precept upon precept, of the divine elements of the Trinity that are compounded into our inner being. It is like a painting with different colours adding coat upon coat to create a picture. God is transfused, transplanted, transfigured, and infused, added into our inwards parts that we might grow into the anointing to produce the waters to swim in!
The knowing of Christ the Anointed One is the element of truth to know all things. The teaching of the anointing concerning these things keeps us that we might abide in Him so that we experience a practical Christianity without falsehood because we carry truth. To abide, to dwell, to remain in that fellowship of the divine anointing, to walk in that light we must maintain a constant flow of the words of the anointed one. If you abide in Me [my anointing] and my words [my anointing] are at home in you, then when you ask [in the anointing] it shall be given to you!
“And as for you, the anointing which you received from Him, abides in you, and have no need that anyone should teach you; but as His anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and even as it has taught you, abide in Him!” – 1 John 2:27
The anointing you received from Christ lives in you. You don’t need anyone to teach you something else. Instead, Christ’s anointing teaches you about everything. His anointing is true and contains no lie. So live in Christ as he taught you to do.
We should practise this abiding following the teaching of this all-inclusive anointing so that our fellowship with Him is maintained and grows in fruitfulness from glory to glory. What is the anointing looking for? It is looking for truth so that it can manifest Christ in Glory as reality in our prayer life. No anointing, no truth! When the Spirit of the truth has come He will teach you all things. So, in the anointing is truth and that truth teaches you how to pray effectively!
The Lord said to me one day that prayer does not move Him, but rather prayer moves you into a position to receive what He already has done. We are trying to make God do things that move us, so it changes my situation to benefit me. Do not use God as your butler. He will just back off! Humility is a sign that you trust Him to accomplish His will in your life! So, for our prayer life to increase on every level we must increase in truth because that is what the anointing is looking for! The anointing wants to teach truth but it first needs to find truth!
We have been covered with fresh oil. Our spirit man has been refreshed and the level of our faith has increased to trust God to move higher. When we yield to the anointing, we open the path for growth and we enter into another realm and sphere of the Spirit called the Glory realm! The place where nothing is hindered, a place of answered prayer, a place of completeness and fulness of whatever we need and will ever want. The place of His presence in complete manifestation of no time and no space. IT’S GOD HIMSELF FILLING US WITH HIMSELF AND FLOODING US WITH EVERYTHING GOOD.
Ephesians 3:20 talks about the Glory realm that has no limit and cannot be controlled with boundaries with borders with such immenseness it cannot be described without knowing who HE IS. Whatever we ask or think, He will do superabundantly, far over and beyond, according to that GLORY through the anointing which creates in us such desires, wants and needs – way over beyond our highest imagination, thoughts or dreams and whatever prayer we come up with He will exceed that.
So, that means our faith has continually been stretched that we come to a place of the immeasurableness, limitless, unparallel, incomprehensibleness of who HE IS – HIS GREATNESS, HIS GLORY, HIS ANOINTING! The all-inclusive Spirit of Christ that prays through us! We are anointed with the same anointing that made Jesus Jesus, and we pray with that same anointing to accomplish the same results and see the same demonstrations! We are anointed to PRAY!
As always so in line with what God is saying and doing right now! Thank you for this anointed message! 🔥🙌
We honour Him who is faithfull to promote and exalt as we humble ourselves to be obedient doing His will.
Amen Word in season We follow the Spirit!!!
Thank you Pastor for this very easy to understand teaching, full of insight and wisdom.
Amen Word in season We follow the Spirit!!!