Praying in the Kingdom
Keys to enter this Kingdom is in the realm of the Holy Spirit.
For us to understand the Kingdom we must understand what Jesus said about the Kingdom as He represented the Kingdom on earth in His ministry and calling. Many in the prayer community do not have revelation of the Kingdom! Jesus explains in Matthew 16 when He asked, “Who do men say that I am,” the disciple said that some say He is John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, etc.
This is the eyes of men looking at the natural Jesus, and comparing Him to their calling. Yes, the prophets came to establish God’s Kingdom through obedience. When Jesus asked this question, they were in a religious setting close to the border, at the foot of Mount Hermon, where Jesus was transfigured before them.
Peter answered the question by saying. “You are the Christ.” In essence, Peter called Jesus I AM. Knowing and spending personal time with Jesus, hearing His teachings, seeing the miracles, signs, and wonders. It’s not the signs and wonders that make Him the I AM, but His representation of the Kingdom, and the fruitfulness flowing out of that revelation.
Jesus had to have the revelation Himself. When Jesus was tempted by satan, He could answer him from that standpoint of the Glory in the written Word. Peter’s answer “You are the Christ” is revealed to him only when he gets filled with the Holy Spirit. He understands the revelation of who Christ the Glory, the Anointed One is. I am not saying who men say who You are, but I am saying what I hear God is saying. But you are hearing revelation—illumination–coming from the unseen Kingdom revealing Christ as master of this KINGDOM.
He brought the heavenly KINGDOM into an earthly form. He said, “If you have seen Me, you have seen My Father who has sent Me” to reveal to you how this KINGDOM functions, thinks, works, manifest, its authority, its dominion, its character, its nature, its laws to govern and how we can co-operate with this KINGDOM, and for this KINGDOM’S will to be done on earth.
The word “kingdom” appears 127 times in the Gospels, but Paul gives us the revelation of this Kingdom in his epistles!
To access the Kingdom, we as Christians must enter that Kingdom before we can possess the Kingdom. Now in the New Covenant, the Kingdom is a spiritual kingdom of the unseen. To help us understand that we must become spiritually minded and renew our mind to walk in the Spirit using the Word as our guideline!
Once we become conscience of that realm, we enter into our inheritance. Then Matthew 16 becomes a reality that the gates of hell shall not conquer or overcome the Chosen ones who know Christ the Anointed One who carries the anointing that will destroy and bring to naught all the enemy’s plans. And upon this revelation I will build My Kingdom of Christ, the Kingdom of Glory in me!
No wonder satan still thinks the kingdoms are his that was delivered unto him and the glory thereof [Luke 4:6]. But Jesus, through the anointing, defeated the enemy. And delivered those kingdoms unto us through His Name. Now we have a name in Philippians 2:5-11 that has been exalted [Heb.1:85-9] far above that represents that Glory of the Kingdom of Glory, Christ in us in resurrection power [Rom. 8:11; 4:5; Col. 1:27].
What the last Adam possessed is greater than the first Adam because we see and experience a greater fulness, not just in creation but also in redemption. We see God’s heart in completeness through His own Son that He did not just become sin but removed sin and its effects. He destroyed that kingdom and its ruler. Now Jesus gives us all authority and dominion, saying, “Take this Kingdom and teach it, preach it, and heal the sick. Proclaiming that the Kingdom of heaven has come unto you!”
“For the Kingdom of is not a matter of rules about food and drink, but is IN THE REALM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, filled with righteousness, peace, and joy!” – Romans 14:17
Eating and drinking creates satisfaction – the desire, emotions, delicacy, appetite, the thirst quencher, etc. But in THE REALM OF THE SPIRIT, it creates our right standing with God, our Shalom – nothing broken, nothing lost, our Joy [Jesus owns you] that is unspeakable, dipped in Glory.
When I am praying out of that REALM in the Spirit, what I am doing? I am releasing the keys of the Kingdom to open and close doors. Opening the GLORY REALM releasing The Light of The Glorious Gospel, dismantling the plans and purposes of the enemy.
One of those powerful keys [Matt. 16:19] is whatever I loose on earth has already been loosed in Heaven, and whatever I bind on earth has already been bound in Heaven. Words are the keys I use to declare and proclaim, loose, and bound! That is why the Name of Jesus carries ALL THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM, but the Holy Spirit knows exactly which key opens which door because He gives us wisdom!
For when I pray in an unknown tongue I do not pray unto man, but to God, for man does not hear those words of the Kingdom. For man has no revelation or insight into those words because those words carry the mystery of the Kingdom! For if I pray in my Kingdom language my spirit, by the realm of the Holy Spirit, prays!
The gates of hades, meaning satan’s authority, has been stripped by the revelation of Christ the Glory. The Church without the Glory is a Church without the revelation of Christ! Peter uses his keys to open the gate of the Jewish believers to enter the Kingdom on the day of Pentecost [Acts 2;38-42]. He uses the key again for the gate of the gentile believers to enter the Kingdom in the house of Cornelius [Acts 10:34-48]. We as the church restore and bring refreshing, and awaken the truth of Mark 16 and Matthew 28 and manifest the Acts of the Holy Spirit.
That times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord restoring you like a cool wind on a hot day, whom heaven must keep until the time for the complete restoration of all things about which God promised through the mouth of the holy prophets from the beginning of time [Acts 3:19, 21]. We, as end-time intercessors, have an assignment to pray this in by the Spirit. To enhance the Kingdom, we must pave the way for the revealing of the Sons of Glory for the earth is groaning for the manifestation of the KINGDOM [Rom. 8:18-22].
“But seek aim and strive after first of all His Kingdom and His righteousness His way of doing and approval doing what is right…” – Matthew 6:33
Central Truth – SEEK, meaning the supreme choice and pursuit, to priorities, to find by thinking, meditating, enquiring, to administer its laws and commands, and righteousness is the instruction thereof!
Thoughts to ponder – The heavenly Kingdom, Jerusalem, the city of the Living God (Heb.12:22)
- The double Kingdom – Daniel 10:12-13
Daniel prays for 21 days. His answer to prayer is hindered by the prince of the Kingdom of Persia who withstood him. For his words were heard the first day but Michael, the chief prince was sent to assist God’s Kingdom. Daniel was in the Kingdom of Persia on earth but wicked spirits in the heavenlies controlled the spiritual Persia – the double kingdom. Michael, the warring Archangel, was sent to assist and bring breakthrough.
- Fought with beasts at Ephesus Paul says – 1 Cor. 15:32.
- For we wrestle not against the natural kingdom – Eph. 6:11-12.
Amen His Word always works