Praying the Covenant
“And this woman, being a daughter of Abraham…a daughter of Covenant!” – Luke 13:16
As I was preparing for our Monday night global prayer meeting on Facebook, I heard the Lord say to go to where Jesus spoke to the woman who was bound for 18 years and look at what Jesus said. Jesus prayed the covenant, and she was set free. This woman was bound by a spirit of infirmity and was doubled over in posture as a result of the pain that she was experiencing. Interestingly, the number 18 means abundance and new beginnings. This woman is about to experience the covenant of overflow and a new life that is the promise and right of the Abrahamic covenant!
Firstly, Jesus teaches in the synagogue on the sabbath day, the day He was supposed to rest. But Jesus is doing the work of the Father, breaking the mould, and helping His people understand that there is a better way coming than the law — it is grace to overcome. Now, what did Jesus teach in verse 16? It says He was teaching on the covenant of healing, deliverance, and blessing. He was releasing the faith by which Abraham functioned for this woman to be loosed.
Jesus was the greatest faith Teacher. He knew how to function in faith to create an atmosphere for people to receive their miracles, healing, deliverance, and blessing! Because He knew the covenant and acted in accordance with His legal standing! He could say to that old serpent of uncleanness and infirmity: “LOOSE this woman.” Jesus lays His hands on her and she is instantly healed and glorified God because that is what faith in the covenant does — it responds to the anointing and receives! The man that looked after the synagogue was angered saying six days we work but on the 7th we rest. Jesus rebuked this man saying you are a hypocrite. When your donkey is thirsty, you give it water. My work is not bound by days of the law, I am surrendered to the Spirit and follow His leading. And that is what the Spirit does; He breaks religious mindsets and cultures so that the will of God is fulfilled! He is saying I will give living water to whoever needs it.
Leadership that does not yield to the covenant is a hindrance to the Spirit, and Jesus deals even with those who oppose Him by manifesting the covenant of healing and they all begin to get joyous as people received healings, miracles, and deliverances and began to testify of the wonderful works. They had an outbreaking of the move of the Glory [verse 17 glorious things the splendid Glory] and anointing. Jesus, through the covenant, broke satans hold, and the spirit of religion was cast out. And for me, the thing was that this woman in this synagogue was bound for 18 years and could not get her free because they did not stand in faith and did not have the revealed knowledge of the covenant to set her free!
Today the church has silver and gold but does not have the revelation of the power of the NAME of the COVENANT JESUS!
Today we have a better covenant signed and sealed by the blood of Jesus through the eternal Spirit for all eternity. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. Abel’s blood sacrifice showed we needed salvation, the blood of bulls, coats and lamb just cover our sin, but the covenant that was sealed by the blood removes the guilt, the shame, and the judgement of sin where we deserve hell. We do not get what we deserve but we get GRACE through the blood of His covenant.
We have an old covenant and a new covenant established on better promises. That is why the blood of Jesus, His DNA, is holy and rare. His blood came directly and mingled through the Word and the Spirit as ONE to create one new man — a born-again spirit — circumcised of the heart, not of the flesh. When Abraham offered his son as a sacrifice, the Lord said I am Jehovah Jireh. I see and I will provide the Lamb and His blood will be for the redemption of mankind, and their sin will become His sin. The same deep sleep that fell on Adam fell upon Abram and his name become Abraham because a covenant has been made that will break the curse of the law [sickness, poverty, and spiritual death] and he shall be called the father of many nations. Because in you is the seed called Christ and the promise loosed because of faith through righteousness [Galations 3].
God swore by covenant by Himself saying “Blessing I will bless”, and confirmed it by an oath. It is impossible for God to lie, meaning the changeableness that it cannot be altered [Heb. 6:12-18]. The blessing Adam and Eve carried now Abraham continues to carry because the image is in the seed of Christ, the covenant. He is the mediator of the new covenant and to the blood of sprinkling which speaks mercy. Now we can come boldly to the throne room of covenant and obtain mercy and find help in time of need. When the Father looks at Jesus, HE SEES COVENANT! When I pray and use the keys of the Kingdom and I say BE LOOSED I AM USING COVENANT WORDS, and I usher in THE GLORY!
When Jesus was crucified, and whipped, the crown of thorns placed on His head, and the spear was put in His side water and blood came out. He was depleted because life is in the blood. He said it is FINISHED meaning for this I was spared. He is raised from the dead by the Glory of the Father and says to Mary do not embrace me for I have not ascended to My Father [John 20:17]. He places His Blood on the ark of the COVENANT, the mercy seat as an eternal reminder that it is accomplished!
Mal. 3:16 – At that time who feared the Lord spoke with one another, and the lord listened and heard them. So scroll a book of remembrance, THE BOOK OF COVENANT, a memorial was written before Him regarding those who feared and reverenced the Lord and honoured His name!