
The Praying Christian – Part 9

Praying in Faith

“As it is written, BUT THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY HIS FAITH.” – Romans 1:17

We must understand and get the revelation of faith to be the Christian that will be pleasing to God because without faith it is impossible to please God [Heb. 11:6] because they that approach God must come in faith believing that HE IS! To pray in faith means to believe what God has promised is so and does not change, and to act on that faith by being fully persuaded with complete confidence that He will do what He has spoken. 

We get different kinds of faith that produce different results. We have weak faith, we have strong faith, we have little faith, we have unfeigned faith, we have fully persuaded faith, we have mustard faith, we have the God kind of faith, and so on. But how does faith come to us? Romans 10:17 says that faith comes by hearing and hearing the anointed Word (life-giving/speaking Spirit-filled words). He that has an ear let him hear and take heed how he hears, and he that hears will receive more. An ear that hears and receives faith is a willing heart hearer. 

He that values and honours the Word with Godly reverence must treasure the Word. Jesus is the Word that became flesh and has tabernacled His Glory over us. When I read the Bible (mostly the Epistles), I spoke it out softly to the place where I hear what I say. Faith COMES because I have a hearing ear and it goes into my heart and builds and edifies my spirit man. What do I receive? I receive spiritual substance to speak the anointed word that is creative and powerful to create spiritual paths in the Spirit, and my destiny becomes reality!

The Power Of FAITH Is Not A Definition Of FAITH But A Demonstration Of God’s Power Behind A People Of FAITH”

Faith is the ingredient that got you saved but now we must live a lifestyle of faith; it is the evidence of things not seen in the natural. Hebrews 11:1 says it is the title deed, the proof, the reality of what is not revealed to the senses. Faith shows the reality of what we hope for, it gives and is the substance of the evidence of things we cannot see! Jesus said the words He speaks are Spirit and Life! 

When He cursed the fig tree in Mark 11, He said in verse 22 to have the God Kind of Faith. Then He said that you must do four times more speaking than believing to HAVE WHAT YOU SAY! For your faith to be released and in the manner that faith works is to believe it in your heart and speak it out with your mouth. Your mountain will only move to the ability that you believe because your mountain wants to see what you believe with your heart and speak with your mouth. You must speak to release your faith just like when David ran to Goliath! The power of faith will work when you speak the Word of God. When Jesus was tempted by the devil, He said that it is written and quoted the Word to overcome the enemy!

“For the Word of God is alive and FULL OF POWER AND FAITH [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the diving line of the breath of life and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.” – Hebrews 4:12 [AMPC]

Jesus says to the centurion in Matthew 8:5-13 “I have not seen this kind of faith even amongst my own people. You say to this one soldier do this and he does it, your authority of words and faith astounds Me.” Then Jesus says to him that his words of faith that he released from his mouth has healed his servant. The command of faith. Faith is a spiritual force released through words we speak believing in our hearts, is the same demonstration manifested when we pray in Faith the same happens — we release a spiritual force of commanding authority on the earth.

  • 45:11 – Ask me of things to come concerning my sons and concerning the work of my hands command ye me. Ask – to ask with authority, to demand with a voice of command John 14:12-14 Faith speaks
  • My sons – anointed ones who are appointed as firstborn to proclaim Rom 8:19 sons of Glory-26
  • Work of my hands – dominion, might, power that gives direction, those who allow the maker to work through them to acquire a treasure
  • Command – to give a command of obedience, to lay charge like an army instructor

Faith gives commanding authority to words. Jesus spoke to the fig tree and it dried up. Then He says speak to your mountain and it will be cast into the sea never to be seen ever again. When your mountain hears the words of your faith and hears you believe what you say, then only YOU WILL HAVE WHAT YOU SAY! Faith calls your future into the now because NOW FAITH IS, and as you declare [confess the Word] your destiny creates a path of your future. 

The book of Acts is a commanding book of the works of faith and the Spirit [anointing] of signs and wonders. Not commanding God but commanding the evil one to take his hands off, because having a revelation of the spoken Word over the works of the enemy and knowing God stands behind His Word to confirm it. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command, the enemy knew if he could get them to disobey the Word they would break the covenant. They would break the bond of words and the faith they had turned into fear. But Jesus came and restored back Faith by fulfilling the law to break satan’s hold on humanity.

Jesus took the Word – But before faith came, we were guarded under law, being shut up unto the faith which was about to be revealed [Gal. 3:23]. 

As Jesus came out of the wilderness after being tempted by the enemy came out in Luke 4:14 returned in the Dunamis of the Spirit. He did not have the Spirit BUT THE SPIRIT HAD HIM. And His fame spread. His Word was with power and authority. And as He commanded the unclean spirits to come out, with a loud voice they said have you come to destroy us [1 John 3:8-9]. As they were crying out and saying Are you the CHRIST [the anointed one], Jesus forbade them not to speak for they did not have any authority to speak for they knew HE WAS THE CHRIST [who carried the anointing to destroy every yoke]. The faith that Jesus had in His own words released the power of anointing to destroy yokes and remove burdens. 

The Spirit of Faith that David released in Psalm 116:10 Paul quotes 2 Corinthians 4:13 – We have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, “I have believed and therefore have I spoken.” We believe, and therefore we speak. Paul is saying the same faith David used to overcome the giants is the same spirit of faith in him that gives Paul the same victory. He ran towards his giant saying believing you have no covenant, this day your head [fear] will be mine! We compare our circumstances and situation with the Word which is a higher law of life that supersedes the natural. That is why we must be focused on the Word, and what it says over our circumstances. Standing on those promises gives us the ability to believe and have confidence in what God has said is so, and it cannot be reversed. That is why we must understand our covenant and our righteousness that we have through the blood and our confidence in boldness to ask in faith and then we KNOW IT IS DONE! John 15:7 is a major contributor of faith; when my Word [faith] abides in you and is at home in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall come to pass! 

Abraham HAD TO BECOME fully persuaded that which God had said is SO. He had to take his head faith to become heart faith so that righteousness was accounted to him so that he could believe! Romans 4:20-21 says He wavered not at the promises of God through unbelief but was empowered by FAITH giving Glory to God. And being fully persuaded that what He had promised, He was able to perform and do! Faith always speaks the answer, not the problem! Faith lives in victory because it overcomes! When I live by faith I live by dominion over sin and the control of the flesh. Genesis 1:28 says God first BLESSED then He said be fruitful, multiply, replenish, and subdue the earth. How do you do it? I do it all by FAITH! When I pray the Word, I am praying by faith having the assurance that which I ask is done and heard! Faith-filled words never return void or empty, it always accomplishes where it is sent to! Faith takes what rightfully belongs to you and receives what you believe for! The woman with the issue of blood said what she believed she acted on what she said and received her miracle. Faith and the anointing released creates an atmosphere in which to receive what you are trusting God for! Someone said the highest form of faith is praise because you are glorifying a God that you cannot see. But you are acknowledging His majesty and seeing His handiwork. Loving, appreciating, and honouring the Creator has more value that cannot be compared.

“Faith empowers us to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinated by the power of God’s words! He spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen.” Hebrews 11:3 [TPT]

The faith of Jesus is so powerful that He believes in His OWN WORDS that it upholds the whole universe – every planet, every star, every galaxy, every breath, every form of life, who is the brightness outshining the sun. He illuminates the Father’s Glory as the expression of His image IN His substance and upholding ALL THINGS BY THE RHEMA WORD OF HIS DUNAMIS POWER [the explosive miracle demonstration of HIMSELF] Hebrews 1:3. When I take the same Word believe it in my heart and speak it through my lips, I will have the same results. My prayer life will move to a greater depth and dimension of knowing Him and seeing Him demonstrate the creativity of the spoken Word!

Study Scriptures: The God Kind of Faith – Mark 11:22-25. All things are created through His Word – John 1:1-3; Col. 1:15-16; 2:9-10. Universe framed by The Word – Heb.11:3. He commanded, and it stood fast – Ps. 33:9. Saved in salvation through faith – Eph. 2:8-10; John 5:24; Rom. 10:8-10. The healing anointing is realized – John 4:50.

God speaks in the Son, and the Son upholds all things by His Word AND EVERYTHING IS IN ORDER. And then we speak as His Sons and Daughters!

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