Central Truth – The Light of the Glorious Gospel to SHINE!
While I was praying, the Lord opened this scripture to have greater understanding about praying for the Glory to open the thoughts and minds for the glorious Gospel to shine in its splendour and victory over the earth. He said to take that scripture which says, “the god of this world has blinded the minds [thoughts] of them that do not believe” (2 Cor. 4:4).
Then the Lord said to turn the scripture around and let it read this way: “In whom the God of heaven hath opened the minds and thoughts of them that believe, so that the light of the glorious gospel who is the image of the Glory of Christ should shine on them.”
It is part of our inheritance and salvation. Our redemption has been paid for by the blood of Jesus, and the Glory is searching the earth to answer the cry of the blood to manifest redemption, and our Father’s eternal plan for His Kingdom to come! The Lord began to speak to me to release the Glory of the Gospel. He said, “Pray for the Glory to be released to open the minds and thoughts, not just of My people but the minds of the unsaved to receive My plan and purpose for their lives so that all will come to the knowledge of the truth and walk in reality of their redemption!”
God has done everything for humanity to receive the glorious Gospel and for the church to walk as the glorious Church!
“That we may not be taken advantage of by satan for we are not ignorant of his thoughts [schemes wiles devices defrauded]” – 2 Corinthians 2:11
No wonder satan is called the god of this world, or the god of thoughts. In Ephesians 2:1-2, he is the ruler, or prince, of the authority of the air, working in the sons of disobedience! So, for you to accept his thoughts he must deceive to make you believe his thoughts as he covers up and make you believe it is you thinking those thoughts. And with every thought he gives you a feeling to give that thought validity so that you can receive and believe his lies.
But we are not ignorant because we have illumination through the Word that discerns and gives light through meditation and confession what the Word says who we are in Christ! Verse 14 says, “Thanks be unto God who always causes our thoughts to overcome!” How do we overcome? Paul explains in Ephesians 1:16-23 in his prayer for the church because the church has the authority to pray for the unsaved.
His revelation comes from John 17 as Jesus teaches through the Holy Spirit. His High Priestly prayer before the Father concerning His exaltation, resurrection, and seated dominion and authority. Firstly, Paul prays in verse 18 that our thoughts may be flooded with the illumination of the light [Glory] that we MIGHT KNOW, according to the riches of His Glory. The light of His Glory dispels the darkness and manifests His Presence, and His anointing obliviates the yoke.
What must I pray for someone in bondage, unsaved, and in darkness? I MUST PRAY FOR THE GLORY TO BE RELEASED OVER THE MIND SO THAT THOSE THOUGHTS ARE DESTROYED! It opens the thoughts, intents, and purposes so that God can work through the Word and Spirit, and the MIND OF CHRIST can be released to do the will, plan, and purpose of God!
After Paul and Silas were beaten and their clothes stripped, filled with blood, and cast in the utter prison in (Acts 16:25), they PRAYED and sang praises! Here we see them praying, just like Peter did in Acts 12. The Glory of the light manifested in an earthquake. The fear of God manifested that they fell before Paul and Silas saying what must we do to be saved. Their eyes were opened to believe to accept Jesus. The warden and his whole household also came to salvation. The church of Philippi was born, and the warden became the first leader. Not only was darkness dispelled, the whole area opened to the Gospel, and God’s authority was established because PRAYER WAS MADE TO RELEASE THE GLORY!
In Acts 5:15-19, the Glory overwhelms Peter that his shadow delivered all who were sick and oppressed, and their minds were opened, and the angels appeared because prayer was made. It was the same angel that assisted Peter.
Stephen’s encounter with Jesus in Acts 7:53-60 opened the door for Paul to see the light of the Glory, and his glorious salvation!
Let’s step into the light, let’s release the Glory of His Light for the Gospel to be seen in the image of Christ in His resurrection. The glorious Gospel of the Glory of Christ, now shines as a manifestation of Prayer. GOD CAN DO NOTHING FOR HUMANINTY UNLESS SOMEONE ASKS HIM!
A CHURCH WITHOUT THE GLORY IS A CHURCH WITHOUT THE REVELATION OF CHRIST. Jesus said, “My church shall be built on the revelation of Christ the Glory and the gates of hell shall not prevail!” And we have the keys of the Kingdom — whatever we bind on earth has already been bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth has already been loosed on earth. We unleash the Glory!
Study Peter’s vision in Acts chapter ten and see for yourself how God through prayer opens the heaven and salvation comes to Cornelius house and the Glory released brings revival!