What you Sow in Prayer is what you will Reap in answers! (Galatians 6:7-9)
Sowing is the principle of the law of life or death in every human being. What you have done to others will be done to you! One day as I was ministering, these words came out of me, “You are the sum of every word that you have ever spoken.” Meaning that every thought that you’ve ever thought of, words you have spoken, every action you took, and attitude you put forth, that is what you are right now!
As a man thinketh, so is he. You have been taken captive by your own words – life and death is in the power of the tongue, you choose your words. You choose your life. Now ask yourself what kind of life you want. A blessed prosperous life? A life of answered prayer so that you can be a blessing to someone else? When a farmer plants a seed, he expects a harvest of increase. In the seed is the law of multiplication! He plants corn seeds, which produce a harvest of a corn.
You must remember that you always reap more than what you have sowed. The law of increase works for sinners and saints. Jesus said a man would go into the field to sow seeds. So is the Word of God sown into our lives, and those seeds that fall on good, heart-believing, faith ground reap a 100-fold [Mark chapter 4]. My Father taught me something – if you need healing go and pray for the sick! If you sow healing seeds, you will reap health and wholeness!
David sowed prayer into his own son, Solomon, to make the right choice to pray for wisdom in 1 Chronicles 28:9. Jesus’s life is a complete, perfect life of prayer, sowing into the lives of every human ever lived – past, present, and future. Every word He has spoken, thought, and acted upon sustains every person alive on planet Earth in perfect harmony with Himself.
“The Son is the radiance and only expression of the Glory of our awesome God reflecting God’s shekinah Glory, the Light being the very image of God’s nature, the brilliant light of the divine, and the exact representation and perfect imprint of His Father’s essence, and upholding and maintaining and propelling ALL THINGS the entire physical and spiritual universe by His mighty word of power carrying the universe along to its predetermined goal, When He Himself!” – Hebrews 1:3 [Amp]
When Jesus prayed for the sick, cast out devils, and did all the miracles He did, He was sowing what He saw His Father showed Him, for us to become His example. Seedtime and harvest remain; the Lord has climate change under control (Gen. 8:22)! Jesus prayed for Peter’s faith not to fail after he denied him 3 times – he reaps a harvest of 8000 salvations in the book of Acts and leads the church until Paul’s conversion, and gets two epistles called 1st and 2nd Peter. He received a powerful revelation in Christ that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church.
A powerful harvest of righteous praying by Jesus that made tremendous power available that Peter was released from prison by an angel and sees a vision on top of the house about going to Cornelius and starts a revival! Anna prophesied over Jesus and was in the temple night and day in fasting and prayer, declaring redemption over Him. Paul, in his Ephesian epistle, prays for the church to rise into maturity to know the will of God and become the glorious church.
In John 17, Jesus prays the exact prayer that Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:16-23, which he teaches in 2 Corinthians chapters 3, 4 and 5 that we are the body of His Glory and in chapter 6 you are the temple of this Glorious! The seeds were sown in the garden of Eden as they fellowshipped with the Creator in the breeze of the Glory, and Jesus comes and restores us back into a greater Glory of Himself!
He becomes the promise of the seed and is the harvest of complete salvation as the redeemer of mankind. He sows himself and reaps humanity! In the book of Revelation, John sees the glorious return of Jesus in His Glorified transformation, and the full manifestation that was seen in the counsels of Heaven’s boardroom before time existed, and prophesied what he saw and in 2000 years, we as the church see the future in harvest form!
Ezekiel, a visionary, explains to us the Glory in the temple and when the Word becomes flesh through Mary acting on the Word, the Holy Spirit overshadows her, and she becomes pregnant. That which Ezekiel saw became reality. The seeds he sowed now becomes the evidence of reality of the Glory. Then Jesus transfers that over to the church, His Body, and we become the glorious church manifesting God in the Earth! When we pray, we take all these seeds that have been sowed through from Genesis to Revelation, and we take those words on our lips and we become the conduit of those thoughts.
We believe those thoughts and then pray them out. We become seed planters for our generation to walk in the fulness of Christ, the Anointed One, as an expression of every word spoken! We will be known as transformers from Glory to Glorification and one’s whose words carry such authority and power. WE HAVE WHAT WE SAY – AND WE HAVE WHAT WE PRAY (Acts 3:21)! Our words must have such an effect that heaven is moved to bring God’s purposes to earth!
Isaac sowed in famine and reaped 100-fold in the same year. Amos 9:13 says the reaper will overtake the sower! When you are mindful of being a sower in prayer, love, and grace – what you do unto others will be done to you! I have had people say that nobody loves them, then I ask, but have you loved others?
Jesus told His disciples that He was going to pray in the garden, and for them to stay there and watch and pray for Him. He found them asleep after an hour. He told them that the flesh is weak, but the Spirit is willing. Meaning when you allow the Holy Spirit to take control in your prayer life, He will take that which is weak and will make you strong. And to pray for one hour will seem so easy and fruitful! When I sow into worship, I reap an atmosphere of His Presence and Glory!
“Be not deceived, God is not mocked: FOR WHATEVER A MAN SOWETH, THAT SHALL HE ALSO REAP.Then he tells us where to sow he tells to sow to the Spirit to reap eternal life.” – Galatians 6:7
One of the scriptures that I have sown for 40 years in my prayer life is Joshua 1:8. I meditate on this word day in and night out that I observe to do, then I make my prayer life prosperous and then I deal wisely in the affairs of life and have good success! I have sown these words as seeds in my prayer life, that at times I just think of a situation and God answers my thoughts! No wonder David rejoiced as He glorified God in His wonder of creation as He ponders on His Goodness! Be obedient, and abundantly sow your prayer seed and EXPECT and overflowing harvest!
Thought of reality: Always balance your Prayer with Praise and Thanksgiving, and it shall yield forth your Harvest – Ps. 67:5, 6.
The Depth of your Praise always determines the Greatness of your Harvest!