Central truth: “That He may grant you out of the rich treasury of His Glory, to be strengthened and reinforced with Mighty POWER in the INNER MAN by the Holy Spirit HIMSELF indwelling your innermost being and personality.” – Ephesians 3:16
A True Thought: When you go into war with a defeated mindset you have already lost the battle!
In the Holy Spirit we find a treasure, which is the glory, as a rich deposit with power to strengthen us in our spirit man and indwelling our conscience and our personality! This resurrection power which makes us strong, is the force of His ability, that miraculous power that makes and creates within us a prayer life just like heaven desires on earth. The same glory that raised Jesus from the dead is in us and it quickens the will of the Father in us!
Even when we are weak to pray in our flesh, our spirit man, which we pray out of, will quicken our desires, and strengthen us with might (dunamis). And we will pray correctly because we are praying from within. It is like a pipe where water flows through – you get the wet with the water. You get the Spirit with the water; you get the strength with the power. Let the weak say I am strong.
One thing I have learned in 40 years of ministry: it is not your strength; it is HIS strength.
When I get into my prayer closet, I am living from out my innermost being. It is my secret place. It has become a lifestyle for me. So, wherever I go I take my prayer closet with me. I have become so God inside minded that I am so conscience of Him. I am His temple, so what He speaks I am His voice!
One day I was walking on the beach, and the voice of the Lord came unto me saying, “Go to that lady and ask her why she is so hard on herself. She judges and condemns herself harshly. Tell her and she will be encouraged.” When I told her she confirmed exactly what the Lord had said. Then I gave her the answer in Romans 8:2, “The law of the Spirit of life has set you free.” Her face lit up, and she could not stop saying thank you! She was helped and blessed because someone heard from heaven. Then the Lord said, “Imagine every Christian functioned out of the unction and touch the world with My glory!”
A praying Christian is an obedient Christian. They hear the voice of the Lord from their prayer closet and by walking in the Spirit! When you are weak, HE IS STRONG! I like what the Amplified said: reinforced with mighty power.
Paint a picture in your mind of a wall or foundation being reinforced with concrete and steel to give it extra durability and strength against an earthquake or storm – a strength that overcomes all obstacles. Your inner man is be reinforced with more grace, more love, more obedience, more of Jesus, so that having done all to STAND, YOU STAND. Like layers of fabric being interwoven into you making and creating in you a perseverance, a patience in His promises, an endurance to run the race, a durability of resistance, a persistence of absolute strength that faces giants while the enemy become grasshoppers.
I can do all things through [Christ] the [hope of] Glory who strengthens me. I am more than a conqueror and an overcomer in this life – I reign as a King. Your mouth becomes the voice of His Victory as you declare the GREATER ONE INDWELLS me. When the container is reinforced, faith becomes the victory!
“In conclusion, be strong in the Lord be empowered through your fellowship with Him; draw your strength from Him [His Spirit] that strength which His boundless might provides.” – Eph. 6:10
It is His strength in us that puts on the armour, so in His strength is His armour, but we need revelation of the armour and to meditate on those scriptures to have an understanding of what a spiritual soldier looks and acts like. Dressed to Kill, a book by Rick Renner goes into depth and explains why Apostle Paul used the Roman soldiers armour when he wrote about the armour of God.
“Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all manner of prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.” – Eph. 6:18. Praying in the Spirit is the atmosphere you pray in – it is the empowering might and will of God!
In conclusion, look at verse 20 of Ephesians chapter 3: “Now unto Him Who, by in consequence of the action [working] of His POWER [strength] that is able to carry out His purpose and do superabundantly, far over and above ALL that we DARE ASK or THINK infinitely BEYOND our HIGHEST PRAYERS, DESIRES, THOUGHTS, HOPES, OR DREAMS!”
That settles every answer to prayer and petition you have ever PRAYED!