Reveal Untold and Unveiling Divine Mysteries

Reveal Untold and Unveiling Divine Mysteries

As I was preparing for our Livestream Prayer Global meeting the tangible presence of His Glory began to envelop me and began to hear things in the Spirit with what I am about to share with you!  The revelation of untold mysteries and divine secrets are about to be released in My Body and the world will begin to understand truly why Jesus came into this world to redeem them! We are at the end of the age, the church age, the Grace age, and the Last Day age. We are at the end of the Gentile age, and because we have been grafted into the tree now has flourished, now the other tree will grow Israel. A new order has been set for transition, so there is a new protocol. When there is a new administration new documents need to be signed, and new laws need to be set into motion. Because certain things are coming to an end and stepping into the climax of time, we are to see the increase and acceleration of the revelation of untold mysteries hidden to reveal the wisdom for our time! We will begin to see the 5 fold ministry that has been prepared in obscurity and hidden in a secret place. They have gone through the preparation of fire, prayer, humility, brokenness, and obedience with a revelation Word from heaven, to bring new direction and paths of the Spirit! We must increase and go deeper with the things of Spirit, to understand where we are going, and what we are about to see and hear. Our intimate time in the Spirit has to be deep and life-changing. We must bring what we experience in the Glory into the natural realm and change our atmosphere through our prayers!

After my experience that afternoon I went to Ephesians to study for prayer and as I began to read Chapter 3 from verses 3 to 13, it was the same word the Lord spoke to me that afternoon. It was not just confirmation, but it became a prayer decreeing in the Spirit, and speaking out through a voice of authority His dominion – Thus saith the Spirit of the Lord!!

Ephesians Chapter 3 The Revelation

The revelation of the mystery was made known to the Apostle Paul in Col. 1:27 Christ In me the Hope of Glory. This mystery was revealed by Christ Himself – Gal. 1:12. To unveil the Son in Me. We see this when Stephen preaches about the Tabernacle, the true house of Israel, and he explains do not resist the Holy Spirit like your stiff-necked fathers did, and how the prophets were murdered announcing the coming of the Righteous One! The Sanhedrin, elders, scribes, false witnesses, and even the High Priest were outraged at Stephen being full of the Spirit whose face shone like an angel as the Holy Spirit brought conviction. They were cut to the heart and gnashed as the devil manifested through a religious spirit because the church was about to receive revelation and move into a greater purpose and manifestation of the Spirit. We he looked intently into heaven he saw the Glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father, he then cried with a loud voice they covered their ears and rushed upon him. And that is exactly what is happening today the religious spirit is manifesting himself to stop the Glory from being manifested to block the ears of the church through deceiving spirits persecuting their own who stand for truth uncompromising! And the garments of Stephen were laid at the feet of Saul. The Holy Spirit used this to impact his life I believe Saul experienced the GLORY OF GOD heard the words of Stephen, and convicted his heart.  Saul became even more zealous to destroy the church because satan knew the workings of God over him. And now uses Saul to be more destructive. I believe this conviction was stirred in Saul on the road to Damascus. He thought about and pondered the things that happened to Stephen. A light shone from heaven and the Glory of this light was so intense knocked Saul from his horse. And in this Glory of the light, he heard Jesus saying why do you persecute ME? Saul saying WHO ARE YOU – I AM JESUS. Ananias released Saul and scales fell from his eyes. I believe he was delivered from religion and the bondage of the law in his mind. He began to minister this Gospel of Glory proving that this ONE WAS THE CHRIST! Saul became Paul and he began to transition the church from law to the grace of the Glory, teaching Christ is the riches of Father revealed  Glory in US!

Paul goes so further on to say, by reading you may perceive my understanding in the mystery of Christ. Christ in us is the mystery that is revealed from Glory to Glory that changes us even more into the image of Christ. And we can only understand this by the Spirit and the revelation of our fellowship! And we can only express what we have experienced. A mystery is something that is hidden and it must be to be searched in the light to be understood.

The closer we get to His coming, we the generation receive greater revelation to accomplish more as sons of men desiring for it to be revealed in intercession, as we pray it into manifestation unveiling callings of the Apostles and Prophets, to teach with profound grace the greatest revelation in the Spirit to the flock of God to be stirred in their callings fulfilling their destiny in preparation of the greatest harvest of souls and miracles ever seen! Nations are called to experience the manifested Glory as it is unveiled Hab. 2:14 The knowledge of the revelation of the Glory shall cover the earth as the nations are covered by the Glory. We are joint heirs of the promise of the Blessings the Glory carries. Grace is a filter so that the power flows through us correctly. This power of life and the gift of Grace that the anointing is transferred into us! Paul says I have this grace to teach this glory that gives me the authority to preach to nations. But we all have received the same grace to minister. The Apostles did not preach doctrines but the riches of Christ such as light life and love touching people with the Gospel of Glory that transforms lives! Now this mystery that was hidden is prayed out of the temple who we are because our sins have been removed and, now we have access to heaven completely. Those who manifest the glory carry this wisdom as a display of all who Christ is. Not just to the angelic realm but this wisdom destroys the plans of the enemy because the answer is in the wisdom we carry in the Glory and then we release it in the Spirit as a fragrance of victory! We have access because we have confidence in His presence because of faith we enjoy His eternal plan for us.

Now that we have said all this Paul goes on to say I bow my knees before the Father the creator the source of ALL OF WHOM WE HAVE EXISTED OUT OF AS A FAMILY AS HE HAS NAMED YOU AND KNOWS YOU!

1 Cor. 14:2 He that speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God; for no one hears, but in the Spirit he speaks divine mysteries.

Speaks – to declare God’s mind and disclose His thoughts.

Divine mysteries – counsel, purpose and secrets, secret counsels which govern God dealing with the righteous. God governs through divine mysteries and untold revelation.

Galatians 4:19 – My children, of whom I am again in travail until Christ is formed in you.

Travail –  To feel pain like in childbirth, laboring to regenerate from salvation to maturity, this is needed for the sons of glory to manifest, The person of Christ in the Holy Spirit is the image in us!

Christ – Conforming to the His image the revelation of the mystery of Christ In Us!

Formed – to grow in full, to inherit every promise, and blessing, and mature to divine sonship, just like God formed and molded Adam!

This scripture comes into fullness of meaning – For we do not know how to pray as we should but the Spirit groans through us His perfect will for the Spirit searches the heart of God concerning His will for us and intercedes in groanings through us now we walk it out His Plan and Purpose in fullness!

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