Living A Life in the Spirit – Part 2

If we live by our spiritual nature, then our lives need to conform to our spiritual nature. – Gal. 5:25

When we teach about living in the Spirit, we must understand that we are a living a life controlled by new, divine inner-man life. I am a new creature or new species in Christ. I am living by a new set of disciplines and spiritual laws. And my old fleshly nature has no more ascendency nor dominance, for I am under the law of the Spirit of life. The word “law” means to regulate your life by a new identity. I am guided, led, and under order by a new author, the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus has sent to be my Helper.

What does He help you with? He helps you to live the life Jesus lived on earth and uses us as vessels and instruments to demonstrate His Kingdom! As a man thinks so is he. So, if I think spiritual thoughts, it then puts me into a higher realm than my natural thinking. It puts me into a place of the anointing and allowing the Holy Spirit to manifest Himself through me in His personality, expressing the Spirit of Christ as life.

Romans 8:5-6 says that those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. A mind controlled and governed by fleshly and carnal thoughts leads to spiritual death, but a mind governed and controlled by the Holy Spirit finds life and peace.

We are pleasing to Him when our lives are lived in the Spirit. Everything is birthed in that realm and allows God to flow through us as vessels of Glory! I have seen too many Christians move in the Spirit but then get out of the Spirit. The Lord spoke to me once and said, “Enter My gates but stay in My courts. Too many of My people are in the Spirit but then move right back into the flesh. They mature in the courts to go the Most Holy place.”

It’s an abiding place of Glory from one degree to another! The Spirit must have control as you let go control of yourself in abandonment to His Will. Only when you walk and pray in the Spirit can you fulfill His plan for your life! Ephesians 5:18 – Being filled and flooded with the Holy Spirit; a sign of overflow, living in the Spirit!

The book of Acts had much refilling’s of new wine, fresh fire, and new oil after they were baptized in the Spirit, speaking with other tongues. That is the key to this last day church, living a Spirit Filled life.

  • Peter, filled with the Spirit, they saw their boldness, that they have been with Jesus, notable miracles manifesting – Acts 4:8, 13-16
  • The place was shaken, all filled with the Spirit, speaking God’s Word with boldness, and great power came upon them – Acts 4:31, 33
  • Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit’s infilling, sees THE GLORY OF GOD – Acts 7:55
  • Philip, full of the Spirit, has revival in Samaria with many miracles – Acts 8:5-8
  • Peter spoke Spirit-filled words. The Spirit moved and fell on them just like in the beginning – Acts 10:44; 11:15
  • Paul, filled with the Spirit, rebukes a sorcerer and the hand of judgement comes upon him – Acts 13:8-11
  • Evil spirits recognized Paul being filled with Spirit – Acts 19:15

When the Spirit [Anointing, Acts 10:38] comes upon us, we do the works of Jesus. But when the Spirit [Anointing, 1 John 2:27] within us teaches through the Word, the character of Christ [the Glory], to live right. We must understand the anointing, yield to His presence, become so conscious of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And become so sensitive not to grieve or quench when He speaks, and follow His leading, and obey His promptings.

As we grow in hearing His voice in our inner man and step out in obedience, the more we live and walk in an atmosphere of His Glory and the more He will manifest Himself through our daily encounters with Him. And they will say, “Here come these men who have been with Jesus to turn the world the right side up! They are Glory-filled, manifesting a Spirit-filled life!”

I hear the Spirit say, “Rise up into your full potential. Hearing My voice and following My instructions will bring you to a place of abundance and you will see my plan for your life unfold like a flower in the springtime. Know this: as you obey, greater revelation and illumination will come, and you will know ahead of time My secrets being unfolded in your life. So, now is the time not to back off but to be bold and take another step forward. So will your pace increase, and you will begin to run in the fullness I have planned for you. Now is the time step up so that I can step in, and you will see the unprecedented fulfilled. It’s time for the new season, the overcoming season, of My hand at work. Seeing giants removed, seeing my Glory manifested and Jesus, My son, being Glorified in the earth.

It’s your time and your season, and I am calling it the overcoming season.”

Hallelujah! Praise Him for His goodness! Amen and amen. We receive, Lord; we take it and say, “It’s my season of overcoming.” We shout glory and rejoice in your GOODNESS!

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