If we live by our spiritual nature, then our lives need to conform to our spiritual nature. [Gal. 5:25]
Central truth: We are living a life we have been designed to live!
When we deal with the Kingdom and the things of God, we deal with a supernatural and spiritual Creator. And to understand His realm and His creativeness we must understand who we are. Firstly, when I got born again, my spirit-man received Jesus. Adam and Eve died spiritually, and our redemption is a spiritual redemption that manifest in the natural realm through our inner man [2 Peter 1:4].
We are spirit beings, living in a body, and we have a soul [1 Thes. 5:23]. Out of our belly (inner man) shall rivers of living water. We are a habitation of His temple growing into a building for a dwelling place of God in spirit! You must begin to have a revelation of who dwells inside of you and become God inside-minded and begin to live from the inside out to walk in the Spirit. When I think of walking in the Spirit, I immediately think of being controlled by the Spirit. It is interesting when I pray in the Spirit, my spirit [born again, new creation spirit] by the Holy Spirit that is within me prays!
The Holy Spirit uses my spirit as an instrument to make prayer sounds, words, and utterances and I become an expression of God Himself. The Holy Spirit bears witness with my spirit. I become conscious of my inner consciousness of who my Father is, and the reality of His greatness becomes my Glory which changes me from one degree to the next! When I abide in the Word, I am creating in my spirit the capacity to yield to the voice of the Holy Spirit. The voice of my conscious becomes more clearer to hear and obey Him more accurately, and I allow Him to take control of my life, living from the inside out!
You have the anointing, or unction, from the Holy One, meaning the stirring of the Kingdom of Glory and all it represents moves in His presence. For the thoughts set on the flesh is God’s enemy, but the thoughts controlled by the Holy Spirit is life and peace. We can only stay in step with the Spirit when we follow Him. What helped me was to become conscious of where I pray from in the Spirit. I focused my thoughts on the unction inside of me and yielded to that stirring. As I heard the words come out of my mouth, I listened with my spirit. My mind becomes unfruitful meaning my attention is on the thoughts of the Spirit not on my own thoughts. Then it becomes easier to yield and hear His thoughts because I am out of the way!
“For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit by the Holy Spirit with me prays, but my mind is unproductive it bears no fruit and helps nobody.” – 1 Corinthians 14:14
And the more I pray in this manner, the more my thoughts will become fruitful. When you meditate on the Word, the Holy Spirit will rise up in you and bring all the thoughts of the Kingdom to your remembrance. The Spirit only responds to truth because the anointing dwells in truth and that teaches and renews your mind and makes you more conscious of His presence! How do I know when I am walking in the Spirit? It is when His Presence [His Glory] is my all-consuming desire and my consciousness of Him is all I want and long for in every step I take.
All I want is to please Him and everything that grieves or quenches Him puts me in the same position. Do you watch programs on TV which are vulgar and bring defilement? Do you read books that are destructive and leave you feeling unclean and unworthy? When you are in conversation with people, do you discuss others and break them down so that you look good? Separate yourself and live a life of holiness in sanctification, pleasing the Lord in all manner of life, consecrating yourself and live godly! For me, the Anointing (His Glory, His Presence) is so precious, it is my life and I protect it like someone who holds a treasure. For I delight in the law of God according to the inner man! [Rom. 7:22]
We have keys we can use to live a Spirit-filled life daily as a prayer warrior to stay connected to the throne:
• Stay full of the Spirit – Eph. 5:18-21. In the book of Acts they were continually refilled with fresh anointing.
• Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly – Col. 3:16. Abide in the true vine [John 15]
• Worship in Spirit and in the anointing – John 4:23, 24
• Live a life of praise and continual sacrifice – Heb. 13:15
• Obey the voice of the Spirit instantly – do not delay – Rom. 8:14
• Renew your mind through meditation – Joshua 1:8; Rom. 12:2
• Be a doer of the Word – James 1:22
• Love is your motivation in servanthood – 1 John 4:7-9
• Holding fast to a daily confession of the Word – Heb. 10:23
• Following God’s order always brings blessing – Acts 6:1-10
Thoughts that provoke: Are you so foolish, having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh who has played mind games with you?
Say this out loud as your confession of faith daily:
- I am a spirit being and I am totally conscious and yielded to the Greater One who indwells me.
- I hear His voice and follow the Good Shepherd, I am Spirit-led and controlled by the Mind of the anointed One.
- My life is surrendered to the Holy Spirit and Romans 8 is my spiritual inheritance.
- I live a life of the Spirit that pleases Him, I live an unprecedented life of favour because my life is pleasing to the Father.
- The words that I release are so Spirit-filled it ministers life to all I come in contact with.
- I am a flowing river of the Glory of the Spirit and manifest His Presence wherever I go as people see Jesus in me as the light.
- Miracles, signs, and wonders flow through me and whoever touches me receives healing and breakthrough in Jesus’ Name.
- I am a blessing and His life flows through me to be a blessing to others!
I need the life of Christ Jesus lived in me always
You have the life of Christ in you ROM 8:11 study all our devotionals and have clear understanding