“But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out].” – Hebrews 11:6 [AMPC]
Central Truth: Faith is the expression of spirit-filled words that release the anointing!
When we pray, we use words, and even when we think, we use words. Words can create images of what we are about to speak! The Word must be the foundation of every thought to produce faith! That’s why faith cometh by hearing the anointed Word. And the truth, or in other words, the anointing, will set you free. Faith comes by hearing the life-giving Spirit words that produces faith to act upon and, in turn, produces the desired result.
“Faith is the expression of spirit-filled words that release the anointing that produces faith results” – Pastor Eugene Leonard
Everyone in the bible that received from God that which they believed Him for, had to do so by faith. They had to believe in the impossible; that which they could not see was brought into reality through their words and was made manifest in our natural world through faith!
The righteous man breathes life through faith, and that faith gives him spiritual stamina to believe and stand upon the Word [Romans 1:17]. A problem that believers have with faith is that they are always trying to get the victory, but faith says you already have the victory. You see, we live by the authority of the Word as our integrity and final authority. The Word said it, and that settles it. All we need to do is believe it, speak it and act upon it.
If I believe wrong, I speak wrong. The 10 spies brought an evil report saying that they can’t go into the promised because there are giants in the land, and they have walled cities. But the land flowed with milk and honey and good fruit! Caleb and Joshua said, “Let us go at once and possess land for we are well able to overcome – we are the giants because God gave us the land!” But the 10 spies murmured and complained in unbelief and said, “We are grasshoppers and are not able to!”
The voice and language of faith says that we are well able, created a good confession of the reality of a good report. God had to regenerate a new generation that would carry His blessing so that the faith generation could posses the promises that God spoke.
Jesus spoke to the fig tree and used the faith of God by the expression of words. The same principles apply to us. If we believe in the heart, and tell the mountain to be removed, we can have whatsoever we saith! Your mountain will only move if you believe what you say, because your mountain knows your voice.
Goliath knew the voice of David as he ran towards him with his sling and defeated him with words of faith by calling things that do not exist as they did. Abraham’s faith is our spiritual heritage, as he obeyed God’s command to sacrifice Isaac. God gave His own Son as our faith example. We must become fully persuaded in our thought-life to that which God said is through the renewing of our minds.
Answered prayer in Jesus’ name is a guarantee in John 15:7. “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.”
Words are faith containers to carry the desired result of what is asked. We cannot allow ourselves to stagger at the promises of God or draw back but press through knowing that God is faithful and able, and willing to perform His covenant. Our part is to grow strong in our faith, knowing that God’s greatness is revealed in His goodness.
Mark 5 gives us a perfect example of the woman with the issue of blood which plagued her for 12 years. But when she heard of Jesus, faith came into her heart, and she knew that she knew if she could only touch the Word in the hem of His garment, she would be healed. She pressed through the crowd on her knees and said, “If I could only touch Him.” She said it, believed it, and acted upon it, and she received her miracle.
Jesus asked who touched Him in faith because the healing glory flowed out of Him. She made a demand on His ability through her faith, and she was not just healed but 12 years was restored, and she was made whole in every area of her life – financially, emotionally, physically, and mentally.
When you trust Him with your whole heart, your expectation becomes your reality to receive all He has for you! If we are willing to step out to walk upon the water, God puts Himself in position to become your ALL IN ALL. When Abraham stepped out following God’s voice, all by faith, to leave his country, God became obligated to become Abrahams everything – his guidance, his provision, his all in all!
When we come to a place of total surrender in our prayer life, then He becomes the ANSWER. Through resting in faith and patience working in us, we inherit all the promises [Hebrews 6:12].
- Speak the Word only, and my servant shall be healed – Matthew 8:8
- At your Word we will let down the net – Luke 5:5
- The words that I speak are Spirit and Life – John 6:63
- The earth and sky will wear out and fade away before on word I speak loses its power or fails to accomplish its purpose – Matthew 24:25
Faith pleases God and it is our entrance into all that the Kingdom has for us and our key to stand strong in these last days and overcome and triumph against all tests, trails, and opposition and come out victorious over all circumstances. We carry the weight and the Spirit of Glory that takes us to the other side. All things are possible to Him that believeth!
The words God spoke when He created the heavens and the earth have never ceased and are still creating life. Never forget that who you are right now is the sum and total of all the words you have ever spoken! If you want to change your circumstance, change your words and get scripture that speaks to your situation and begin to say what God says who you are.
Scriptures to meditate and study: 2 Corinthians 4; Romans 4, Hebrews 11; Mark 11:22-26