If we live by our spiritual nature, then our lives need to conform to our spiritual nature – Gal. 5:25
Central truth: Developing the fruits of the re-created spirit helps us to live a life of the Spirit!
The freedom that we have in Christ is not a law of bondage but a life in the Spirit representing our truth and reality of living under the dominion of the Spirit. For the Holy Spirit gives life. The law of the Spirit working in us represents the law of circumcision, removing continually the works of the flesh, so that we sin less but become sinless. As a result, our prayer life becomes more effective and removes hinderances.
Our circumcision in Christ daily profits our love walk, and faith becomes more productive as we obey the truth. The leaven we had in the flesh—our motives, our attitudes, our thoughts—come under the lordship of grace [Rom. 6:14]. The liberty that we have does not give us opportunity to serve the flesh but rather gives us grace to love. If you do not love yourself, you cannot love others the way God requires from us. Once we become contentious, we cause division and hinder others and cause them to stumble in their faith.
When we are walking in selfishness [ doing that which only benefits myself], we become lawless and follow the control of the flesh! When I walk in love, I fulfil all the commandments, and it is the first step of living a life of the Spirit! Galatians 5:18 says, “But if you are guided and led by the Spirit, you are not subject to the Law [flesh and carnality].”
The old man has been circumcised and done away with. I supersede that and not only do I begin to live a life of the Spirit, but I begin to walk in all the promises of my inheritance which is available to me in the Spirit! I don’t only speak to my promises, but I see my promises as a fulfilment because I am living a life of the Spirit! Jesus is our example; He had to fulfil the whole Law but yet walked in the Glory. He had to fulfil all the commandments of the law and He had to fulfil all the Father’s will completely. He was anointed to fulfil His ministry but yet, He still had to overcome all the flesh commands of the Law – “Thou shalt not this. Thou shalt not that.”
When Jesus said, “Why has thou forsaken Me,” the anointing left Him, and He experienced all the effects of our sinful nature. Remember, sin is spiritual and that caused you to die in your spirit. That is why you have to become born-again, and eternal life enters into your spirit through the resurrection power, and you are raised up spiritually. Whenever God deals with us, He speaks and communicates with us through our new nature, our inner man. Our hearts become circumcised, and He makes a new covenant with us, and our bodies become His Glory temple.
“The Holy Spirit is the one who gives life, that which is of the natural flesh realm is of no help, and profits nothing. The words I speak to you are Spirit and life.” – John 6:63
The resurrection life overcomes the works of the flesh [Gal. 5:19-21]. The Spirit of Glory that raised Jesus from the dead gives life and will quicken our dead, doomed bodies through His Spirit who dwells in us, which produces the life to overcome all the works of the flesh. The words that Jesus spoke were filled with the instant and present Word meaning, it created life. The Word became flesh and tabernacled in Glory as we beheld the only begotten of the Father.
Matthew chapter 16 gives us a revelation that Christ is the rock that we are built on, the anointed Word that destroys every yoke. The Word of God is full of power, quick and powerful, effective to accomplish all that is spoken, full of Glory to strengthen and reinforce the inner man with mighty power by the Holy Spirit indwelling your innermost being and personality. Sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating and dividing the line, even the breath of life – Hebrews 4:12.
For those who practise a lifestyle of the flesh will NOT INHERIT the enjoyment of the Kingdom as a reward. Those who live a lifestyle in the Spirit INHERITS ALL THE PROMISES OF THE KINGDOM. They do not even have ask for healing, they live in healing; they live a life of blessing and prosperity. Every need is met according to the riches of Glory IN CHRIST! Our lives become a complete expression of who dwells on the inside of us. I am filled with all the fullness and completeness of Christ, meaning everything that I need dwells in the Glory in me! I now live a crucified life, and because of His resurrection, death has been overcome. I now live a circumcised life, cutting and removing the old man and putting on the new in Christ!
We were praying one night with my father and some ladies interceding for the city for revival. As I was praying in the Spirit, I suddenly heard footsteps walking towards me and I thought “who came through the door?” I opened my eyes and saw Jesus standing there, and He said to me, “I am going to you teach you and show you how the spiritual realms function and how to get what belongs to you from the spiritual realm [all My promises] into the natural realm.”
He showed me certain things. One such thing was a circle. I saw that what was in the circle were the things that I needed! Then He said, “Words of faith carry authority in the spiritual world because they are creative. And those words released from your heart and confessed by your mouth goes into the spiritual realm and fetches what has been promised to you. And as you speak My Word, which is Spirit and Life, it goes into the spiritual world and brings it from that world into the natural as a manifestation of My blessing into your life!”
In 38 years, I have seen the fullness thereof and seen the power of my words come to pass countless times, not just for myself but as I have prayed for others, I’ve seen the miraculous come to pass every time when faith is released in my words.
Challenge yourself to memorize the whole chapter of Romans chapter 8.
Thought for the day: Living a life of the Spirit is a conscious decision to abide and stay in that realm and becoming God inside-minded.
Remember, satan is the god of the 5 physical senses and uses them to function as the father of lies.
Remember that the righteous live by faith and is not moved by what they see, feel, taste, hears, or touches and what their emotions tell them who they are – they are only moved by what the WORD says.
Thought for the day: Living a life of the Spirit is a conscious decision to abide and stay in that realm and becoming God inside-minded. I love this and live consciously to abide in the Spirit! I surrender my 5 senses and body to Holy Spirit every day for Him to take control and possess my soul! The Lord bless you dear Eugene, and keep you and His face shine upon you and keep you in peace as I know He does, our faithful God and Abba Daddy!❤⭐👑
Thank you my precious Jesus sister you’re such a blessing and I appreciate your heart love and compassion!!