The Nations are Erupting!

The Nations are Erupting!

When David wrote in Psalm chapter 2 concerning the nations that they have raised themselves against God He laughed at their confusion and disarray. Then he says ask me and I shall give you the nations for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for our possession.

Psalms 2:8

ASV  Ask of me, and I will give thee the nations for thine inheritance, And the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

BBE  Make your request to me, and I will give you the nations for your heritage, and the farthest limits of the earth will be under your hand.

CEV  Ask me for the nations; every nation on earth will belong to you.

ESV  Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.

TPT  Ask me to give you the nations and I will do it, and they shall become your legacy. Your domain will stretch to the ends of the earth.

GNT Ask and I will give you all the nations; the whole earth will be yours.

He will roar like a man of war over the nations through His intercessors – Is 42:13 like the lion of Judah

Stand in the gap that He might not destroy the land – Ez. 23:30-31

Earth groaning – Rom 8:19 Sons of men – Eph3:5

I have given you dominion over the earth to subdue – Gen. 1:26-28

The devil knows if he can control leaders, he can control a nation and our fight is not a natural fight but against the spiritual wickedness in the heavens. Like Daniel prayed he said the prince of Persia withstood me and after 21 days Michael the war angel released Daniel’s angel to bring him the answer. They want to control leaders to control a nation to bring forth the devil’s agenda. We know he is defeated but men’s ignorance and being deceived opens the doors to demonic influence because of a lifestyle and disobedience. I believe the lord speaks to unsaved leaders telling them to repent and open their hearts and He will bless that nation. But if you ignore His leading you will become a goat nation that represents unrighteousness! When the people in the nation begin to cry out in prayer for righteousness God will answer and begin to move supernaturally. In Iran, the leaders are muslim with a hate for Israel because the devil knows he can use them as instruments of evil, but God has mercy on those who seek Him. Because the people cry for Jesus, there is a harvest of salvation, and it is the fastest-growing church.  They have profound persecution to renounce Jesus and are being killed because of their faith. But prayer has opened the door for preaching the gospel of Glory! Travail in the Spirit brought forth protection!

Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children [Is. 66:8] Meaning in intercession you can take hold of a nation in the Spirit and bring forth Kingdom purposes for transformation. The healing and restoration of the nations is like a river; amid the river is the tree of life flowing to the earth. Jesus cried saying out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water! The fruit from the tree gives life and is medicine to bring healing [revival awakening] to the nations. The groaning of the sons of Glory brings restoration! An angel has his right foot on the sea and the other left foot as a standing ground on the whole earth meaning he is standing on nations, roaring like a lion with 7 voices in the 7 thunders sealing the words of this mystery announcing the good news, vs 11 prophesy again over many people and nations – Rev. 10:2. I have seen this in prayer a few times. Now I have scripture to confirm this! When God reveals it in the Spirit wait for confirmation because God always moves in line with His Word, and the anointing to witness!

James 5 verse 7 says – Behold the farmer awaits the precious fruit of the earth [nations], being longsuffering over it until it receives the early and late rain! The early rain starts the process of germinating the seed and saturates the fertile ground, but the latter rain [the latter-day Glory] matures the harvest and brings the full corn in the ear. The people in the nation that desire righteousness and intercede bring forth the will of God through Romans 8 where we do not how to ask or but the Holy Spirit comes to our aid through unutterable words in groaning in the Spirit. There is a river crystal clear that proceeds from the throne [Jesus the tree of life] and its leaves are restoration of the nations. Jesus in the temple shouts out of your belly shall flow rivers of life-giving crystal clear from the throne. When I pray in the Holy Spirit, you’re praying the very words from the throne room that flow like a mighty river to the nations through you. I pray for divine mysteries and untold revelations that manifest His will plan and purpose and destroy the plans of the enemy. Our dominion over the nations that are supposed to represent a heavenly blueprint of the Kingdom. Ezekiel saw that out of the temple, a river flowed that was so powerful, that it was not ankle-deep, waist-deep but waters to swim in. Meaning the flow of the water gave direction to the flow and the strength of the river! Words change nations. Daniel Angel said I HAVE COME FOR YOUR WORDS. James reminds us that words give direction just like a rudder on a ship. Your tongue gives direction to your life! Seedtime and harvest remain that whatever you word you sow you will reap! Command ye me concerning the works of my hands put me in remembrance of my covenant! Jesus said if My words are being lifted from the earth, I will draw nations to My Will!

Paul went to Asia Minor to preach the Gospel it was then the known world [nations] at that time. He went without social media, Facebook, the internet, and a ministry webpage – he went with his calling and the anointing of the Glory went before him! Extraordinary works of power were done by the hands of Paul he prayed over handkerchiefs the sick, diseases and evil spirits left. The sons of Sceva wanted to cast out demons but had no authority. The demons tore off their clothes. It opened a door for an awakening in the spirit. Acts 19:17 – And fear fell upon them and magnified the name of Jesus, and many believed. Those involved in the occult who practiced magic and who had books confessing their sin and renouncing their lifestyle. Their books were burned. The hindrances and blockages in the spiritual realm were removed the word of the Lord grew mightily and was strong! A move of the Spirit manifested the nation was touched! The nations are erupting with the Glory. I have seen it in Ukraine, Russia, India, Indonesia, Latvia, South Africa, etc. When the nations come in the harvest cannot be stopped! But you shall receive dunamis miraculous power after the Holy Ghost comes upon you. There must be a demonstration of this power. The book of the Holy Ghost [Acts] is our blueprint of Glory and changing the nations. When I study Isaiah chapter 60 and see the Glory shall arise and cover the nations, we are in such a time as this!

Righteousness issues from God’s administration because it exalts a nation, but sin brings reproach. It is God’s justice that that protects His people in a nation. When I seek His righteousness, all things are added to extend His Kingdom! His righteousness makes us righteous to be a people that govern in justice through His mercy to be His chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an HOLY NATION, a peculiar people that show forth the praises of Him because we have called into His glorious light [1Pet.2 9].

The scepter of uprightness is the scepter of Your kingdom. You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness: therefore God, Your God has anointed You with the oil of exultant joy above Your angels. I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet – Heb. 1:9, 13.

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