pressure valve

Pressure In The Spirit!

“For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.” – Romans 8:19

Another word for pressure means to build up spiritual capacity, to stand against until it breaks the resistance, becomes lesser Kabod, the heaviness of God or the weightiness of God or the presence and the Glory of God that was so thick that Moses walked into the cloud, Jesus walked into the cloud. 

Pressure is so strong in the Spirit that everything submits to that pressure like a dam wall; so much water. Clouds so heavy with rain bursts wide open it is like fire so hot it explodes like a volcano pressure under the sea so immense it cannot be resisted creating a tsunami. Now imagine the pressure in the Spirit world that functions in light years and at the speed of light the intensity in that realm is a million times more powerful. 

In the centre of the earth, a fire is burning to help the earth with its magnetic field and has the same heat as the sun – 10,800° Fahrenheit. The sun explodes such beams of rays which causes such flares and explodes as light! It takes 8 minutes for light to travel 150 million kilometres from the sun to the earth. Meaning it travels 300,000 km per second which creates a lot of pressure to produce light.

The anointing and the Glory build up such pressure in our inner man that you feel like you want to explode. When you get so filled with the Spirit, it’s like pumping yourself up like a tyre. We get like that in the Spirit. And then when those words come out of our mouths with such fervency and fire it explodes into Spirit pressure on the works of satan and destroys all his plans and purposes. When we pray in the Spirit like that the Glory burst out of our spirit in such heaviness and weightiness it creates revivals, awakening whole nations coming into the Kingdom. Birthing of the Spirit explodes that everything becomes possible. The harvest of souls just manifests to such a degree it cannot be resisted or stood against. It comes with such a force that nothing can stand against it.

At Azuza street this happened so many times, the Glory of God came in like smoke and whoever stood in that cloud of smoke received miracles, healings, and deliverance. They came under the Pressure of the Spirit that sickness, missing limbs, new hearts and body parts were supernaturally created because of the pressure pushing out disease and sickness. 

We have come to such a time like this, sayeth the Lord. So, arise in the Glory arise in the light where there is order and creativeness of the Spirit and receive what you need – it is time! 

When a dam bursts it is because of the pressure the masses of water it creates. Dams are breaking floods are flowing! Rev. 8:4-6 And the smoke of the incense of the prayer of the saints ascended before the throne of God, And the angel filled the censer with fire of the alter, and cast it into the earth, and there were voices in the fire that spoke out Gods will be done on earth, and thundering, and lightnings that came out of His hand, and an earthquake manifest out of the intensity of the Spirit it manifest in such Glory it could not be withstood!

“For indeed, being in the tabernacle, we groan, having been weighted down, inasmuch as we do not wish to be unclothed, but to be clothed, so that the mortal may be swallowed up by the life.” – 2 Cor. 5:4 (LITV)

Though we experience every kind of pressure, were not crushed. At times we do not know what to do, but quitting is not an option. For our short-lived troubles in the light of eternity, the substance that produces for us an eternal, weighty glory far beyond all comparison, because our focus is on the Glory, for the seen is fleshy and carnal; but the unseen is in the realm of Glory the weightiness [pressure] the heaviness of everything Good! The Glory of God is the pressure in the Spirit! We must cooperate with the Glory to create realms of Glory for a manifestation of that Glory. 

Peter is an example of that pressure, creating miracles and healing, and demons coming out of people! We need to manifest this kind of Glory if we are going to see revival among sinners, and an awakening among believers. We, as prayer Pastors, need to teach our prayer warriors to have a revelation of the Glory inside of us and its reality. Paul prays this prayer in Ephesians 1:16-23 for believers’ spiritual eyes to be opened to understand and have a revelation. It is a daily reality of the awareness and God-inside-minded reality to pray it out in the Spirit with Godly wisdom, penetrating the realms of darkness with such force for God’s will to be done in fullness!

We are at a turning point in the Spirit where there is a divide between those following completely in the will of God doing His perfect will not His permissive or passive will. It is beyond dying to your will, He must be in complete control and under His complete submission so that you are so filled with the Spirit He has His complete way!

Study Notes: Romans chapter 8 in Classic Amplified

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