Ask for the Nations and End-Time Prayer – Part 2

“Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession!” – Psalm 2:8

I remember in 1975 I was given a name of a lady in the persecuted church in Russia to pray for. In 1999 I went on a mission trip to Russia to strengthen the churches in and around Moscow just like the Apostle Paul went on his missionary trips. God opened the doors to go to Italy, Latvia, and the Netherlands. But first, I had to intercede and prepare the ground by asking for the nations! In Obnisk, I had a vision of a demonic creature and an angel, and the more we moved in the Spirit of the Joy of the Lord and Holy laughter, the more the angel took control of that area.

A mission school was established in the town, and from there they went into the whole of Russia on mission trips, preaching the Gospel, and churches were established. A tremendous door was opened from there because of prayer ASKING FOR THE NATIONS!

My dad, Don Leonard, and I were going to a certain town to minister by train, and everyone came to him on the train for prayer and salvation; many healings took place. We had revival and outpouring of the Spirit on the train! As we went from every household ministering salvation, everyone gave their lives to Jesus and a church was established. As we were busy ministering to people in this one specific area, this one man called this big fellow, Igor, to literally throw us. Igor got saved and became like a little lamb, and the man that chased us out also got saved.

Changing a nation was a very evident sign when we went to Latvia. They called us “the men from John G. Lake country” and they all wanted hands laid on them to receive impartation and the anointing. Then the Lord gave me a Word in Riga for the nation of Latvia. In the City Hall, we had a crusade and leadership conference and the Lord said that He would begin to bring finance into the country to bless the people and for pastors to do the work of the Lord. The nation has been shaken for His Glory!

We see Paul going to Asia Minor which was the known world at that time. In Acts 19:10, the word is preached in Asia so that the Gospel is spread and spread throughout as a witness and shaken by Paul’s authority and anointing as an Apostle. All that without Tv, satellite, social media, books, magazines, or Christian music channels.

What caused Paul to have such an impact on the known world? Firstly, his anointing on his calling through the power of the Holy Spirit that touched Asia through revelation. His obedience to the heavenly vision shook Asia. He truly functioned in that anointing and was skilled in his gifting of grace to be effective to convey the Gospel in such a manner that it shook everyone he came in contact with. Smith Wigglesworth, Don Leonard, Kenneth Hagin, Lester Sumrall, Maria Wood-Worthetter, Kathryn Kuhlman, Oral Roberts, TL Osborn, Billy Graham, and John G. Lake were truly men and women of stature that left a legacy of spiritual wealth for the next generation to be world changers and shake the nations for the kingdom.

What is the key to all these men and women to their ministries [Acts 6]? They all stayed full of the Word and the Spirit, and continued in faith, being obedient to the heavenly calling regardless of the price they had to pay. One day I asked the Lord what it meant about pressing forwards towards the price of the high calling. He said, “I am your reward because you get everything that I got in Glory” (John 17). Jesus, Himself is your reward. O for a thousand tongues my voice will speak of His praise! Following in the footsteps of the Master!

Then [at Mount Sinai] His voice shook the earth, but now he has given a promise. Yet once more I will shake and make tremble not only the earth but also the [starry] heavens – Heb. 12:26 [Hag. 2:6]. I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke – Acts 2:19. I believe God will use us to the degree that we are filled with the Word and Spirit to be the voice that will speak the thunders and lightenings of God for an awakening and to shake the earth through the power of intercession, standing your ground in prayer and your request granted.

To pray in these last days, we must understand the signs of the times and have revelation through the Spirit to pray in line with the Word. Study end-time prophecy and scripture pertaining to last-day events. The book of Revelation is the triumphant Jesus in full Glory manifesting His complete victory over satan and all his cohorts. We must walk in our authority, dominion, and power of who we are in Christ and that we are seated with Him in heavenly places. We must exercise our authority in the Name and the Blood of Jesus as a testimony for us to walk in overcoming faith.

The Book of Timothy explains to us the symptoms of society and its effects. Romans gives clear indications of the effect of the sins of the flesh in chapter 1 verses 18 -32, and those who approve of their lifestyle come under the same judgement. It talks about God has given them over to fulfil their animal desires through a mind void of judgement but for us, as Christians Romans 8 is our victory. 2 Peter chapter 2 says Sodom and Gomorrah are still in His mind! Also, understand the double Kingdom principle that Daniel and read the book of Daniel and explain the prince of Persia withstood him 21 days and Michael the warring angel was sent to bring deliverance.

Then understand the Glory before the rapture of the church in Isaiah 60 for the outpouring to bring the nations to a place and understand that the earth is His footstool [Ps. 110]. Then pray in the Spirit, out of your belly, the perfect will of God for an awakening and nations to be shaken and to be awakened. We need to awaken unto righteousness because righteousness sets the benchmark for holiness, and a sanctified life holy unto the Lord through reverence which leads to obedience. We need to obey God out of Godly reverence; not to obey to get something from Him because we think He owes us! When we pray, we must be so yielded to the Spirit with Him being in full control, praying out the Mind of Spirit, listening to His voice, our born-again human spirits sensitive in hearing the voice of the Good Shepherd and surrendering our completeness in utter obedience!

End-Time Prayer Results:
The Greatest Harvest of souls a billion young people will be swept into the Kingdom to become instant evangelists. Every available media voice and platform is being used to spread the gospel, and the voice of the enemy is silent through powerful testimonies and miracles undeniable. Churches and Christian gatherings will expand to such a degree that meeting places will be too small, and the media will be used to minister.

Everywhere you will go in the streets, marketplaces, malls, grocery stalls, hospitals, prisons, mental institutions, old ages homes, mortuaries, towns, cities, and nations, people will reading the Word, praying, praising, worshipping, people all over being baptized in the Spirit in the water, healings, miracles and deliverances taking place all over, in places people will be under the power slain in the Spirit for days as they lay under the Spirits Glory and anointing they get saved, filled, healed, miracles the complete work of salvation.

People running out of hospitals shouting I am whole and healed! In mortuaries, the dead are being raised supernaturally without people laying hands! A glorious time of the outpouring of the Glory. Azusa street and the book of Acts will look like kindergarten. The Glory outpouring will not just be here and there but everywhere you will see the Gold and the Glory. I saw it in the eighties happening as we travelled the nation of South Africa! We as a generation must be prepared otherwise, we will miss this of the greatest waves of the Spirit ever seen on planet earth there is right now hovering over the earth looking like a blanket of the Glory in a shape of a cloud, and it is filtering into the nations!

Ezekiel prophesied waters to swim in, dead bones coming alive and becoming a mighty marching army! Joel 2:28 prophesied, “I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.” Isaiah 40:5 – says all flesh shall see the Glory of the Lord together! Peter’s shadow created miracles in the street as he walked the Glory. Mantle falls on people and revival breaks out (Acts 5:15-16). The revelation of the Glory shall cover the earth as a cloud (Hab. 2:14)! The ultimate prayer of the end times is seen in Isaiah 60; “Arise and shine for thy light has come, and the Glory of the Lord is risen upon you!”

One of my prayer assignments since 1984! The Book of Acts never had an ending – it is also called the Book of the Acts of the Holy Spirit. So what do we do as prayer warriors? We stay determined to stay full of the Word [Col.3:16] and the Spirit [Eph. 5:18].

Word Study: prepare yourself for 2023 and begin to study all the manifestations and workings of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts it will move your prayer life into a greater Glory of demonstration of the Spirit and your eyes will be opened. The Spirit works as we desire and hunger for a greater move of the Spirit in our own lives and whenever I read and study the boof of Acts I am stirred not to become satisfied but to press in for more of Him!

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