John 7:37-39 – Shall flow rivers of living water!
The last day, that great day of the feast — the eighth day (Lev_23:39). It was a sabbath, the last feast day of the year, and distinguished by very remarkable ceremonies. “The generally joyous character of this feast broke out on this day into loud jubilation, particularly at the solemn moment when the priest, as was done on every day of this festival, brought forth, in golden vessels, water from the stream of Siloah, which flowed under the temple-mountain, and solemnly poured it upon the altar. Then the words of Isa.12:3 were sung, With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of Salvation, and thus the symbolical reference of this act, intimated in Joh.7:39, was expressed” [Olshausen]. So ecstatic was the joy with which this ceremony was performed – accompanied with sound of trumpets – that it used to be said, “Whoever had not witnessed it had never seen rejoicing at all” [Lightfoot]. Joy unspeakable and dipped in Glory.” – 1 Pet. 1:8.
Out of the belly the womb the life creator – the most inner man! When I picture this, I have an image of such masses of water coming out of my belly with such force it cannot be resisted or stood against it will totally overwhelm any situation, that dares stands against that. It is like the Victoria or Niagara Falls in full flood. The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric gravity dam that spans the Yangtze River in the Hubei province, China. The Dam is the world’s largest power station in terms of installed capacity (22,500 MW). That is all-natural power but powerful.
“So, that when the Father’s Glory raised Christ from the dead, we were also raised with Him. We have been co-resurrected with [the Father’s Glory] Him so that we could be empowered to walk in the freshness of new life.” – Rom 6:4 TPT
The Glory we carry as temples of the Spirit, it is so powerful it raised Jesus from the dead. That resurrection river contains everything who God is and what makes Him God with that authority released out of our belly – the whole of heaven backs you up with full throttle released nothing is held back – Eph. 3:20.
2 Cor. 4:6,7 – the brilliant dawning light of the Glorious knowledge of God as we gaze into the face of Jesus Christ. We carry this Glorious treasure within, so that this immeasurable power will be seen!
To the level that you drink of the living water will be to the level that you speak[pray], to that level you believe or have faith – to that the level of The Glory of God the flood will come out of you! So, the Holy Spirit floods out of us as the Glorified Jesus in Glorified Glory. What does that look like I can just image a river of Pure Holy GOLD OF GLORY, and Jesus sitting on the waves as a flood, everyone in the temple falls before Him Shouting “Glory, Glory, the Glory of God!” Above the furious FLOOD, the Enthroned One Reigns on this flood, the King-God rules with eternity at His side [Ps. 29:9,10]. No wonder Jesus shouted that out of your recreative spirit man filled with the Holy Spirit like a flood will gush forth like a torrent Himself. Eph. 3:19 – that you may be filled through all your being unto ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD may have the richest measure of the divine Presence [Glory], and become a body wholly FILLED and FLOODED with God HIMSELF!
There is a well anointing that just comes out of your salvation, but when you get filled with the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues you tap into a greater manifestation of the Holy Spirit called A RIVER [FLOOD]ANOINTING! Ezekiel talks about waters to swim in. Revelations chapter 8 we see all the prayers of the saints having a golden [glory in our hearts] censer and much incense was given before the throne. And when the angel took the censer, he filled it with fire as answered prayer, and cast it to the earth but where in the earth did, he cast the incense filled with fire. It was released into our hearts BY THE HOLY SPIRIT as prayer portals through us as RIVERS [FLOODS]. No wonder Jesus shouted OUT OF YOUR BELLY! And it manifested in thunders, voices, lightening’s, and earthquake. When we deal with spiritual things we are dealing with manifestations and then it becomes demonstrations in our natural world. Then we see how God works and how He reveals Himself in our realm we have ‘limited’ understanding of how He functions! When I look at Rev. 8:5 – meaning the thunder carries the voice of God that SPEAKS HIS WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS DONE IN HEAVEN. Which becomes lightening, and because of the intensity of the power and majesty it carries, it creates an earthquake. How awesome is that! I was ministering in a church doing a crusade and we began to praise and worship which was so intense. An atmosphere of Glory. We taught about Paul and Barnabas in Acts 16 where the Lord send an earthquake and the prison doors opened. Suddenly an earthquake went right through the church. The Pastor was so shaken up. God showed up. Many times, Christians read the bible but do not really believe what they read and do not expect anything to happen!! The Holy Spirit has taught and trained me to be expected and always be in anticipation ready for Him to display and manifest His Glory!
And the brightness and the brilliances of His Glory was like the sunlight rays of bright lightening flashing like streams of splendour out of His hand. This is where His Glory was hidden! Hab. 3:2
I remember as a young boy reading about the acts of God and His wonders, and though it was just a story book. But I had a hunger and desired for those wonderful miracles of Jesus, healings, and mighty demonstrations. But when I had the revelation of praying in the Spirit, all those signs and wonder I longed for began to manifest, in its fullness in my life. Because I knew it wasn’t me, it was all Him! The Holy Spirit begins to train and teach you as you go to mortuaries praying for the dead, you go to impossible situations in the ICU believing as you pray for the impossible to become possible. And your faith rises to new levels. And He uses that to develop you character to hear His voice and become bolder in your faith to obey. So, when you see a person laying in the street, who had the motorbike accident go lay hands on him. You just go amid all the blood, and there is no breath. You command life to come, and the spirit of death and fear to go in Jesus’ name. Then suddenly he comes alive, and the Lord says leave because the Glory belongs to Me with the sound of sirens arriving God already step in and a miracle took place! Because you have been prepared through obedience out of your belly to step out in faith trusting the Spirit of life to raise the dead!
“As the first Redeemer caused a well to spring up, so the last Redeemer shall cause waters to spring up, according to Joel 3:18.”
Let us become yielded vessels of Glory sensitive to His voice obeying from within the heart becoming God inside minded being end-time warriors in the Spirit. Bold fierce like the lion of Judah, nothing is impossible to us who believe, we stand and declare like Generals in the Spirit, the will the plan and the purpose saying; LET YOUR KINGDOM DOMAIN AUTHORITY COME ON EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!!!