Glory clouds

Great Glory

“When the righteous rejoice there is triumph, great Glory is manifested.” – Proverbs 28:12

Prayer does not move God – prayer moves us into position to receive what He already has done. Praise is one of the keys that move us into position to manifest His Glory.

David’s Psalms is a window for us to look into and see how he expressed himself through praise. We are crowned with Glory, and it rejoices in the King of glory for His salvation and majesty honours Him, for in His name is His Glory. And as we exalt His name with everlasting joy as we worship Him in splendour, wonder and the excellence of His beauty, He reveals His wonder amongst His people.

His strength becomes evident as our hiding place in the cleft of the rock. And our trust in Him is evident as we rejoice in His grace and Glory, and He satisfies our mouth with good things that we lack nothing. The enemy’s hand is removed, and we are delivered because the righteous rejoice, and there is great glory. To rejoice means to jump with exceeding joy and triumph! The manifested presence of His glory destroys every burden and obliviates every yoke!

I went as a leader to a youth camp in 1983. That Saturday evening, we started to praise God which lasted for over 2 hours. In the meeting, I had an open vision and I saw a golden angel [Heb. 9:5] standing in the midst of our gathering. A mist began filling the room that came in through the windows like a cloud rolling in. We jumped with triumphant joy, shouted, and rejoiced that the whole campsite came to see what was going on, and they were all touched through the manifested presence of His Glory.

Jesus cleansed 10 lepers but only one came back and fell at His feet, worshipping Him. Jesus said, “I make you whole,” meaning his lips or if he had no toes, ears, fingers or any body part that was missing was restored. Worship created an atmosphere of glory to produce miracles.

Jehoshaphat sent out the singers as they worshipped saying with a loud voice, “Praise the Lord; for His mercy [goodness or glory] endures forever.”

The enemy turned against one another, and as Judah came to Mount Seir they did not need to fight because as they rejoiced there was great Glory that destroyed the enemy. The spoil was so great that it took them 3 days to gather the spoil, and the place was called Valley of Blessing [2 Chron. 20].

As the musicians and singers where in one accord, making one sound, thanking and praising the Lord saying that He is good [glory] and that His mercy endures forever, the cloud of His Glory filled the house of the Lord, and the priest could not stand to minister. Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises and God sent an earthquake [Acts 16:25,26].

The true test of humility and answered prayer is the heart of gratitude. Prayer and praise are always the balance of true power and glory. Prayer is the condition of the heart, praise is the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and victory is the sound of glory! Raise your hands in adoration and give thanks, rejoicing in the Goodness of God [Ps. 145].

Study all the words of GLORY in the book of Psalms write them down and meditate on them and experience the GREAT GLORY!

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