“Living within you is the Christ who floods you with the expectation of glory! This mystery of Christ, embedded within us, becomes a heavenly treasure chest of hope filled with the riches of glory for his people, and God wants everyone to know it!” – Colossians 1:27 (TPT)
Christ in me is the mystery of the Glory that needs to be revealed. How is that mystery revealed? That mystery is the Kingdom. Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do men say that I am? They answered, “Some say you are John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah. Prophet of repentance, of power, and of weeping.” [Matthew 16:13-20].
That’s what men saw, and so, what you see creates your own opinion! Jesus is wanting them to see what’s on the inside of Him and the anointing He carries because that’s who He is! The mystery is in Him, and He wants them to change their thinking so that they can have the revelation and think like He thinks and do His works!
“Who do you say I AM?” Peter answers and says, the I Am, the Anointed One [Christ the Glory], the Son [the mature son, the offspring] of the living God! That’s what He wants them to see, because if they can see that they can have it and build the true Kingdom.
It’s what we carry that makes the Kingdom, not what we do. The fruit of the Anointing—the revelation, the mystery—it is hidden and will build the Kingdom. That is the rock of the revelation. Because in the Anointing in Christ are the keys to open the doors to the mystery that the gates of hell will not have dominion over the church.
The Glory of the Spirit has overcome all the works of the enemy and His plans, and we have the authority to enforce the Kingdom! Praying out that mystery gives us mastery to proclaim the fulness of the Gospel.
“In the Kingdom are the keys that unlock the mysteries that gives us dominion to bind and to loose, to reign as Kings in this life.” – Past. Eugene Leonard
We carry on the inside the mystery, as intercessors, of the Glory of the Anointing [Christ] because we have the Mind of the Spirit. The mystery is not a mystery to the Holy Spirit but to us because it is the answer needed for a specific time. Mystery means a secret, a hidden purpose or counsel. The mystery carries the image of the Glory that brings change through the Spirit of liberty. The earth was in chaos and without form and darkness was on the face of the earth, but the Holy Spirit waited for the Glory, Christ, the Anointed One, to speak a mystery to bring order.
For one who speaks in an [unknown] tongue speaks not to men [natural] but to God, for no one understands or catches his meaning, because in the Holy Spirit he utters [divine]secret truths and hidden things.” – 1 Corinthians 14:2. AMPC
In the Spirit, by the Spirit, with the Spirit, we pray out divine secrets in other tongues as wisdom is released from the Spirit into our natural realm. It brings forth power-demonstrations of the dunamis power of God to bring revelation of the Glory to manifest the Kingdom.
I remember one night, as I was praying in the Spirit, I saw a vision; on one side I saw demonic creatures in different forms making sounds as to defy and to mock. Then on the other side I saw angels like an army standing on attention looking ahead of them with a sternness, not moved by the demonic commotion. Standing, waiting for a command, a voice, a mystery. Then I began to speak in the Spirit out of inner man divine truths.
Then I saw, out of my spirit, that as I spoke swords came out of my mouth. And as the swords crossed the angels, they took them with their right hands and held them upwards. Just standing there with the swords in theirs hands.
When the demonic creatures saw this, they look bewildered and looked around, confused, and with fear in their eyes, they scattered and ran in all directions, defeated. But the angels never fought. They never engaged with the demonic creatures. They just stood there with their swords. Then I heard, “In the sword is the mystery that carries the truth that already has defeated the enemy.” And just at the manifestation of the sword the enemy knew he has no ground to stand on.
Here is the revelation: we must pray out the keys to open the doors of the Spirit. Paul had the revelation of what it means to pray in the Spirit in Galatians 4:19. He says that he travailed in the Spirit like in childbirth until CHRIST, who is the image of the Glory, is transformed in you! I was baptized in the Spirit in 1976 and Christ has formed Himself in me to pray out the mystery through the anointing, so that His Kingdom can come, and His will be done!
Study notes: Colossians 1:24-29; 2:9-10. Then meditate on Ephesians 3:19 in the Classic Amplified.