The ark of the covenant.

Praying the Better Covenant

“But now Jesus, our High Priest, has been given a ministry that is far superior to the old priesthood, for he is the one who mediates for us a far better covenant with God, based on better promises.” – Hebrews 8:6

From the Old Testament we understand that when the High Priest went into the Most Holy Place of the Holy of Holies, he went in with incense and to sprinkle the blood on the ark of the covenant, the mercy seat. He went into the presence of God, which is the Glory of God, as a representative of man and his sins to present the sacrifice before God for the forgiveness of sin.

The people knew that their sacrifices were accepted when the cloud of His Glory filled the temple as a sign of acceptance and forgiveness. For a year their sin was covered, and for them to walk holy before the Lord, fulfilling His commandments and following His ways to walk in His blessings and be well pleasing, fulfilling all His laws!

The high priest would tie a rope around his ankle in the event that he died by not fulfilling the rituals correctly and not setting things in order after his priesthood.

Satan tried to bite Jesus [Gen. 3:15] in the same place but Jesus destroyed his head. Jesus becomes our perfect sacrifice because of His perfect and Holy Blood and becomes the surety of a better covenant as a great High Priest over the House of Prayer.

By His own precious blood, He purges our conscience so that the Glory can dwell in earthen vessels. We are joined to Him because of His Blood through the covenant of blood.

Here is the revelation of Jesus, our High Priest: He becomes the Glory as the accepted sacrifice, well-pleasing to the Father because He became the perfect sacrifice. His Holy Blood was sprinkled on the mercy seat as an eternal remembrance of our redemption and sealing every promise as He is the Word that became flesh.

So, when the high priest went into the Holy of Holies the Glory manifested as the sacrifice was accepted. Jesus, as our High Priest, now becomes the manifested Glory in the presence of God to be our perfect High Priest and now ministers, as part of His ministry, the more superior covenant of GLORY and from the House of the presence of God Himself, answering our prayers from out of the Glory because we have a stronger covenant established on perfect promises [blessings].

The word of truth, the gospel of our salvation, in whom also believing, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise who is the pledge of our inheritance, unto the redemption. [Eph. 1:13-14]

The Blood is the seal of every promise, and the Holy Spirit is the guarantee of that seal. He is the token of the full payment of our inheritance, but also the foretaste of our full eternal redemption. He is the guarantee of every promise that God spoke out of His mouth. He makes it good as He stands behind the Word [Jesus] to see that every promise is fulfilled – that which is spoken in faith, believed in the heart, and confessed with the mouth.

For with the heart, you believe unto righteousness [the Kingdom] and with the mouth your confession is made unto Jesus, the High Priest in the Glory of answered Prayer [Heb. 3:1-6]. He mediates as the perfect intercessor and benefactor to give relief, as He undertakes to minister on His own behalf!

During the Monday night prayer meeting, I saw, in the Spirit the cloud, the Mist of the Glory and words floating around in the cloud. I asked, “Lord, what does this mean?” He said, “It is words in the Spirit that you need to pray out.” Then I saw, what looked like a hook catching those words through me praying in the Spirit, releasing perfect words, making tremendous power available, dynamic in its working!

That is the dynamite, miraculous-carrying authority of the power of the spoken Rhema Word that brings the Glory into manifestation as the Sons of Glory!

Study notes and reading to meditate on Hebrews chapter 8 to 10

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