man raising his arms in praise

Contend for the Glory in Prayer

I do not know about you but there is just something in me that wants more, and at times you become so desperate for more that it exceeds your hunger level.

I believe that every believer must have a level of hunger that propels them forward in the Kingdom, that saturates their spiritual life, that all that they desire is to know Him and His resurrection and being conformed to the image that they see of Him.

To understand what it means to know Him and His resurrection, we must study the word Glory and its meaning as an outflow in our prayer life!

The word glory in Hebrew is Kavod, meaning heavy with everything good, the weightiness of His Shekinah glory, the manifested presence of God Himself revealed in visible form of His nature and character. It comes in different manifestations like a wind, fire, cloud, dazzling brightness, a weightiness of Himself as reverence, miracles like the red sea and 10 plagues, and demonstrations of the Spirit!

Doxah is New Testament term meaning ‘the God who is Glory,’ whom you see as revelation of the Old Testament revealed, now resulting in praise, honour & glory, in magnificence of majesty belonging to a King supreme, a brightness of a glorious condition of God in His new creation.

The Glory responds to answered prayer, just like when God would accept an offering, He would manifest His presence in the temple in the form of a cloud. In 2 Chronicles 7:1-3, Solomon begins to pray as he dedicates the temple to the Lord. The Lord answers his prayer from heaven with fire, that the priest could not enter the temple because the Glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord.

God’s favour and His hands manifested Heaven’s pleasure. When the people saw the fire come down, they bowed themselves with their faces down to the ground with worship and praise, honouring His Name saying, “For He is good, and His mercy and lovingkindness endure forever.” Prayer contends for the Glory!

Acts chapters 10 and 11 gives us a glimpse of the outpouring of Glory as men pray. Peter, ministering under the anointing, flows in the Glory as the Glory comes down. Then an outpouring takes place with those who heard the Word, receiving the baptism of the Spirit [Glory] and began speaking in other tongues and being filled with the Spirit, magnifying God.

Cornelius, a devout man of extraordinary character, was visited by an angel of the Lord. The angel said to him that all of his prayers and generosity to the poor have ascended before God as an eternal offering [Acts 10:4]. The following day, Peter went to the rooftop to pray. He has a spiritual encounter and is told to go to preach the Gospel, and that men will come, and that he must obey.

Then, in Acts 11:15, as Peter began to speak, the Holy Ghost [Glory] was poured out on them, just like what happened to them at the beginning. The same manifestation of Glory that took place in Acts 2:1-4, is just like Ezekiel saw. Answering prayer from the House of Glory!

Are you contending for the Glory in prayer? Whatever you need is in the Glory. Are you, as a believer, home cell leader, pastor, intercessor, contending for answered prayer in the Glory? It is all available to you because you are a treasure that carries His manifested presence!

Related Reading:

Ezekiel: The Throne of Prayer – Part 3

The Ministry of Reconciliation and Prayer

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