clouds of glory

Ezekiel: The Throne of Prayer – Part 3

The throne of prayer is in the House of Glory, and our prayers go forth as incense of victory from that throne. The dazzling light of the Lord’s presence rose up from the creatures and moved to the entrance of the temple with their wings audible like the voice of the strong and Almighty God when He speaks. Then the cloud filled the temple, and the courtyard was blazing with a brilliant dazzling light of the Lord’s glory [Ezekiel 10:4].

Ezekiel 43:4 – And the glory and brilliance of the Lord entered the temple…

Ezekiel 43:5 – Then the Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner courtyard; and behold, the glory and brilliance of the Lord filled the temple.

Ezekiel 44:4 – …I looked, and behold, the glory and brilliance of the Lord filled the house of the Lord…

Now, we come to the Pauline epistles, and now we, the church (God’s holy people) is described as the House of Glory, where the God of Glory makes His home in us. We are His people through the redemptive covenant.

Our born-again, new creation spirit-man is now a dwelling place from within as God’s abiding home through the Word, the Spirit, and the Blood.

We now become carriers of the same glory as a manifestation of heaven on this earth. Jesus came and restored the glory as the latter house to be more glorious than the former house. Meaning that we can now live in that glory through the anointing under a better covenant in different flows, offices, anointings, and callings. And now we have a more effective and dynamic prayer life through the glory!

We have now been crowned with glory and honour, and have been set over the works of His hands. All things that have been placed under His feet, by right has also been placed under our authority.

But now we see Jesus crowned with glory and honour in splendour and the preciousness of His position as the Master leader of this glory. That in all things, and through all things, leading the Sons of Glory as their author and forerunner and has brought us into the same glory of His perfect work.

“But about His Son, He called Him “God,” saying, “Your throne [of glory], O God, endures forever and ever and You will rule Your Kingdom with justice and righteousness.’” – Hebrews 1:8 [TPT]

We have a treasure, called the Glory of God, in earthen vessels, and out of that treasure we pray as the throne of prayer in the house of glory.

God said that out of darkness light shall shine – speaking of Genesis 1:2,3. And the same One who said light be—the brilliant, dazzling brightness of the glory in the new creation—brings forth the illumination of the knowledge of the majesty and glory manifested in the person and revealed which shines from the presence of Jesus the Anointed One. [Col. 1:15-19]

We have all of this in an earth-made vessel (our human bodies), a treasure of the richness of the same glory that carries the exceeding, surpassing, greatness of His power!

Moses’ face did shine, but Christ the Glory is the superior reality that manifests God Himself. Jesus said where your treasure is there is your motive and purpose. Lay up for yourselves a heavenly treasure, where nothing becomes corrupted, for the abundance of the heart will reveal the treasure, and out of it flows the issues of life.

With my inner man (my spirit man) I contact the glory realm, and the consciousness of that, what is on the inside of me, creates a reality in my mind of who God is! And that renews my mind as I consider Him in the Word.

Here is the revelation of the glory: when I pray, that which I carry on the inside is manifested as a burden, or an intense desire. I pray the answer from Throne Room of answered prayer from the House of Glory. Your will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven.

Heaven meets earth and earth meets heaven. Someone once ask me “How do you walk in the Spirit?” I simply say that I am more conscience of my spirit man than my natural man, and what I hear there, I obey. What I see there, I do. I live in the Glory realm.

I am sensitive to the heartbeat of heaven just like Jesus was. So, my prayer life is in a higher dimension of knowing and seeing. It is a normal life for every believer to live in this supernatural realm, because it is my Father’s realm that Jesus spoke of in John 17:22.

“I have given to them the glory and honour which You have given Me…” – John 17:22 [AMP]

A supernatural prayer life is a normal life that we should experience in every moment so that we can be expressive in our prayer life to touch the world with a glory-demonstration of the resurrection life. We need to pray for the manifestation of the glory, not for revival, because the glory is the demonstrated power of God. Once it is revealed, we will have revival and an awakening!

Praying out of the treasure of the divine nature of God is praying from the throne of prayer. It is allowing the surpassing power of God to manifest through us as His House of Glory on the earth.

Paul yearns for the church, in his prayer in Ephesians 1:18-20, that the riches of His Glory, and the surpassing greatness of His power might be in manifestation in the church. And closes in chapter 3 verse 19 to 20, that we might be filled and flooded with God HIMSELF, and now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think. Now that is the glory realm of the impossible!

Prayer for today:

Father, You are the God of glory, and I am a vessel in service of You. I ask, in Jesus’ Name, that Your glory would saturate my prayer life and my daily walk to touch the lives of everyone I encounter. I pray that every bit of my being would be flooded and filled with You till overflowing!

In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

Confession for today:

I am a vessel for the glory of God. Wherever I go and whoever I encounter will be affected by God’s glory and be changed for the Kingdom!

Related Reading:

The Ministry of Reconciliation and Prayer – Part 1

7 Levels to Answered Prayers – Part 1

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