For us to understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit in prayer and connection with our ministry or calling (which involves the reconciliation work of redemption and God’s plan in reconciling us to Himself) we must look at the finished work of Christ as – our reconciler.
2 Corinthians 5:16-21 teaches us, ‘Now we see Christ not in his fleshly work but in His redemptive work as the Redeemer and the atoner of the finished work, and now with this new life that has been sealed by the finished work of the Blood we have an assignment to represent that reconciliation as living epistles of this new covenant sealed in a ministry or calling to fulfil.’
God’s eternal purpose is fulfilled in and through His Son as He makes this profound statement, ‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ there is a new creation, behold a new speci of being that has never existed before has come into full manifestation.’
This new creation that came out of God to reconcile us back into union with Himself through Christ as the perfect lamb sacrifice. To change and exchange, and return us as favoured under the same authority to Himself.
Everything that was lost because of Adam and Eve has been restored and is readily available, all because He Himself became everything (the price) to restore us back unto Him. Christ took our infirmities and bore our diseases! He has given Himself, thus we now have the same service of reconciliation.
Do you see that the atonement of the finished work to divine favour has now become our calling, ministry, and service? We have the ministry of reconciliation! God was in His own Son through the anointing of the Spirit to change us to mutual consent, siting across a table reconciling the issue at hand. Just like one would sit at a table reconciling an issue and taking charge of a situation, Christ did the same for us. Taking the world upon Himself (every sin was accounted for – their trespasses, their full offence of sin) and in return placing the thoughts of God as a divine expression of reconciliation within us. We have been made His righteousness – 1 Corinthians 1:30.
As representatives of Christ as Godly ambassadors, we (pray) entreat. Meaning to bind oneself to this chief concern for the sake of Christ –TO BE RECONCILED TO GOD. God is basically saying, ‘I am making covenant with you to bring you into a better position than the first Adam through the Blood Covenant of reconciliation. Because I have judged the last Adam with My own judgement of sin – I made Him sin with your sin so that this covenant of this reconciliation can never be broken. It is eternal it is sealed with the Blood.’
We have been made the righteousness of God IN Christ Jesus. We are God’s righteousness. We are not a righteous act of benevolence. WE HAVE BEEN MADE HIS RIGTEOUSNESS! We have been put into right standing, back to the Father, as though we have never sinned. So our prayers are based on His Righteousness and not on our works of the flesh to impress or move, or even to try and please God to do something for us.