The Spirit is the down payment as a pledge of every promise
Central truth: Whatever heaven represents to us as Jesus our intercessor, the Holy Spirit represents heaven to us as Jesus our intercessor.
“In Him you also who have heard the Word of Truth, the glad tidings (Gospel) of your salvation, and have believed in and adhered to and relied on Him, were stamped with the seal of the long-promised Holy Spirit. That [Spirit] is the guarantee of our inheritance [the firstfruits, the pledge and foretaste, the down payment on our heritage], in anticipation of its full redemption and our acquiring [complete] possession of it–to the praise of His glory.” – Ephesians 1:13-14 [AMPC]
This Word which carries the very truth and promise of the covenant of this Gospel of our salvation, when we believe and act on those promises the Holy Spirit is the guarantee – the pledge, the very seal of every promise. Every promise is sealed by the Blood of our redemption and is our possession as a down payment of the pledge as part of our inheritance. Mary believed the promise as Gabriel brought her the truth of the gospel. She was found favourable for the salvation bestowed upon her.
Gabriel, the chief messenger angel, decrees that the Holy Ghost will come upon her and that the GLORY OF GOD SHALL OVERSHADOW her like a shining cloud (Luke 1:35), a shield of protection because the promise is in the Spirit as a pledge and the Glory is Heaven’s manifestation of that promise.
She conceived by the WORD (the promise) who is Jesus. But now she must believe in that promise. She must release her faith in the promise for it to be made manifest – it must be sealed. In every prophetic word, in every promise prophesied, that which was spoken must be believed for that promise to become reality. Mary makes this statement: Let it be done to me according to what you have said (Luke 1:38).
Everything that was spoken by the counsel of eternity (the Divine Trinity as the Word in all its fulness), Mary says, “I want all of this to happen to me. I am completely ready to obey all His commands!” She is not concerned about her reputation because only the will of God consumes her! Her genealogy prepared her obedience through accepting the WORD.
According is an interesting word. It means a specific time, place, and season. Mary believed the promise [the Word] in her heart and confessed with her mouth. Therefore, she has become the promise, sealed by redemption through the blood. Abraham foresaw this day and rejoiced.
The key here is the Word. This WORD is the Rhema Word, the life-giving Word that speaks to the mountain! The Word is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb. 4:12)! The Word is our promise, and that promise is Jesus in our hearts as an expression of our experience. All of this comes into manifestation as we pray in the Spirit.
“Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) IN THE SPIRIT…” – Ephesians 6:18 [AMPC]
How majestic and wonderful is our salvation in Christ, our Glory! Another word for promise can be translated as blessing. Jesus is the fulfilment of every blessing.
To be sealed with the Holy Spirit means to be marked as a living seal of approval of the Blood and every promise given. We no longer belong to ourselves, instead, we have become God’s inheritance, marked with His seal, thus making us like Him. What belongs to Him now belongs to us and what belongs to us He also owns. The sealing of the promise by the Spirit reveals His acceptance. The pledge is the guarantee and token of payment, a foretaste, and an advance in payment.
It’s not what I have done or deserve to get this inheritance, but God has ordained it through His Son. The seal of the Spirit is the guarantee that every promise and the fulfilment thereof is our inheritance and salvation. In Greek, salvation is an inclusive word of everything that God is to me. He is my Healer, my Deliverer, my Peace, my Righteousness, He is Love in me, He is my Victory, He is Grace, He is faith to me, Joy, Provision! He is the answer to every situation and circumstance I encounter!
The Spirt is the pledge of every deposit of every promise of who HE IS IN ME! This is just a foretaste of our full inheritance. In ancient times, the Greek word was used in the purchase of land. The seller gave the purchaser some soil of that land as a sample. The Spirit is a sample of what is about to come IN ALL ITS FULNESS. And if this is just a foretaste of what the Spirit of God is sealing us with on this earth as a sample, just imagine the Glory of Heaven in His unbridled presence.
Unto the redemption is the purpose of the sealing of the Holy Spirit and is to permeate and transform us to such likeness. What He is in the Holy Spirit will transform us as we become fully matured as instruments of righteousness. We become His righteousness on this earth to answer every need of humanity through the Holy Spirit as a promise to the Praise of His Glory. Our redemption refers to the Blood of Christ which paid our redemption in full, and the more I intercede, the more I am being transformed into His inheritance as a blessing bestowed upon others as an example of His Good pleasure!
We are the redeemed ones (God’s possessions) redeemed by His purchase with the precious blood of Christ. God has become our inheritance of every promise and pledge through the Spirit as a guarantee and we become His possession. I AM POSSESSED BY EVERY PROMISE for His plans and purpose. We have nothing to give but He gives everything so that we can receive everything HE IS. It cost God everything to REDEEM us, that we inherit God and His PROMISES at no cost. We only need to believe in our heart and speak with our mouth!
What Jesus represents to the Father as the PROMISE in Heaven, so the Holy Spirit on Earth represents to us as the PROMISE. The promises are YES (the Word) and AMEN (the oath) – 2 Corinthians 1:20.
- Heb. 6:12-20 – Through FAITH and PATIENCE we INHERIT THE PROMISES
- Heb. 7:6 – “…and blessed him who possessed the promises [of God]”
- Heb. 8:6 – Better promises, better covenant
- Heb. 11:13 – Being fully persuaded in every Promise
- Heb. 4 – Entering that promise. Romans 4 explains how Abraham inherited those Promises.
When it comes to praying in the Holy Ghost, every word spoken in the Spirit is exactly as the Spirit wills with the precise right word for the specific situation that I do not know how to pray for in English. The Spirit carries that exact promise as a guarantee of the fulfilment which is sealed as by the blood of Jesus as an unchangeable inheritance of the all the counsel confirmed by an oath blessing, I will bless! I am guaranteed of the fulfilment of every word spoken because it is the perfect will of God because it carries THE MIND OF THE SPIRIT.
No wonder the Apostle Paul said, “I pray in tongues more than all put together!” He had the revelation.