Be Accurate in Prayer — By Keith Butler

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints” (Eph. 6:18).

Throughout Scripture, we read that Jesus prayed all the time. But why? Didn’t He have the Spirit without measure? Since He had all that power why did He need to pray?

He needed to pray because having the power manifest in the right place at the right time is what prayer is about. That’s why praying in the Holy Spirit is so important. The power of the Holy Spirit has to be aimed at the right spot. You may be praying for something, but if the issue is on the left and you are on the right, it won’t do you any good.

For example, what would happen if a person hunting an elephant had his gun pointed in the opposite direction of the elephant. He could get killed. The power is in his hand, but if it’s not directed to the right spot, it won’t do him any good; the same is true of prayer.

Reasons For Holy Spirit Prayer
Now, there are several reasons why you should pray in the Holy Spirit. First, it allows you to pray the perfect will of God for your life and it puts you in agreement with God’s will. Secondly, it causes the anointing of God to be manifested in your life; then you focus the power, which is the anointing exactly where you need it – in the right place at the right time.

So, if you are praying for a healing, a family member, or your finances, the Holy Spirit will pray the perfect will of God concerning you. Whatever you are praying for, praying in the Holy Spirit will point you in the right direction so that the power of God can be manifested at the right place.

Thirdly, praying in the Holy Spirit can help your infirmities. The word “infirmity” means weakness, want of strength, and inability to produce results. The Holy Spirit helps your lack of strength, your weaknesses, and your failing strength. He produces results that you cannot produce in your own ability.

The Holy Spirit knows all things. Sometimes we may be ignorant or have dullness of perception, or we may not know completely what to do; the Holy Spirit increases our perception and gives us clear instruction when we pray in the Spirit.

Are you beginning to understand the importance of praying in the Holy Spirit? It’s about praying accurately and being able to focus the anointing right where you need it.

Scripture References: Romans 8:26-29; Jude 1:20; I John 5:7-8,14

Excerpt from Keith Butler Ministries

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