The Ministry of the Holy Spirit in Prayer – Part 4

Prophetic Prayer is a Voice!

Central truth: Whatever heaven represents to us as Jesus our intercessor, the Holy Spirit represents heaven to us as Jesus our intercessor.

Everything about the Holy Spirit is prophetic because He sees the future as a seer and administers the office of a prophet. He created that realm in the counsels of Heaven to be the voice and Heaven’s representative on the earth. The Spirit of God is the voice of God and we, as intercessors, are His voice here on earth, to decree and declare Heaven’s commands with authority and power to display His Glory.

Psalms 29 gives us a glimpse of His voice as the same Holy Spirit hovering over the waters in disorder, waiting for the voice of Glory to utter His commands to create order and to bring God’s plan in fulfilment into the earth! When we worship Him and see the beauty of His holiness in His Glory that His voice becomes evident.

His voice of the prophetic over the waters and mega waters, which represents the nations in salvation in preaching the Gospel, but also individually as Jesus appears to Muslims in their dreams. The Lord said to pray for that in greater manifestation for Him to appear to them and that is what prayer does. It releases that prophetic word as a path created in the Spirit to manifest as reality in the natural! And you know it is happening all over the world!

Waters also refer to the Glory being poured out over nations as the glory that thundered, meaning it cannot be stopped or controlled as it reigns in awe. It is a voice that claps like lightening before the rain is about to pour down! His voice is a sound, and in that sound are many syllables that represent thoughts that gushes as a force that cannot be stopped and pushes back darkness.

His voice breaking the most powerful hard roots of the cedar tree, making them to skip in joy, reversing and bringing change, even splitting the flames which seems inconceivable [the impossible]. The wilderness is even shaken to yield multiflorous blessings. The dominion and creativeness of words must be voiced and the Holy Spirit in prophetic praying already has the answer knowing the future. We are His mouthpiece!

“There burst forth all the fountains of the great deep, and the windows of the heavens were opened.” – Genesis 7:11

The voice of the Spirit went into waters of the deep to split the springs, oceans, and rivers open to yield forth this vast volume of waters from the earth. Then the rains came. When we groan out the voice of the Spirit from within, we release the latter rain upon the harvest for it to yield the fruits of revival [glory]. We prophecy to waters, the wind, the clouds, and the ground as the mature sons of Glory, releasing the earth from its groaning that brings forth fruits of repentance!

Just like Noah’s flood flooded the earth in judgment at the end of one dispensation, so will the Glory of the Lord flood the earth at the end of the church age dispensation in a worldwide manifestation of Glory being poured out of the magnificence of the display of HIS VOICE in the earth as the Father of Glory. Out of your belly shall flow a flood of living words that carry His Prophetic Voice!

1 Cor. 14:3 – He that prophesied is like [praying in the Spirit] an architect building a habitation of the Glory [Eph. 2:20-22], to encourage through instruction, stirring up words, and the purpose to persuade through supernatural strength of the Spirit, – 4 edifies himself, meaning to charge up like a battery, to build up, to give voice to (his spirit man is not empty spiritually but full of the Word [Col.3:16] and Spirit [Eph. 5:18], filled with the anointing to speak spirit-filled words as a voice in the natural realm to bring change).

V. 6 – Unless I speak to you either in revelation or in knowledge or in prophecy or in teaching.

  1. Revelation – praying for a manifestation to be revealed.
  2. Knowledge – to know the acts of God and to see it.
  3. Prophesy – praying the future into the now. Prophetic prayer as a seer; I see things in the Spirit and speak them out.
  4. Teaching – the instruction that the Holy Spirit gives as a teacher to the five-fold ministry to teach the Body correctly as a NOW WORD for this season (this can only happen when the five-fold ministry operates in the Spirit to receive and to build the Body).

When we pray in this manner, we are preparing for a manifestation of His Glory!

V. 9 – Words not birthed by the Spirit are empty and vain and carry no authority in the Spirit. They have no purpose, meaning or resolve.

V. 13 – He that prays words in his spiritual prayer language creates a path in the Spirit for his future and the Kingdom. It’s like laying tracks in the Spirit where the Holy Spirit, like a train, can run on.

V. 14 – For if I pray in my spiritual prayer language, my spirit, by the Holy Spirit, prays within me and He gives my spirit the voice to speak.

When we pray in our spiritual prayer language, we are praying out of a realm that knows the future and has no limitation. It means the whole spiritual Kingdom becomes available to me, for His Kingdom comes in operation in and through me in fullness. All the 9 gifts of the Spirit come into operation through me as I pray in the Spirit [1 Cor. 12:7-11].

As an intercessor I have seen the office of a prophet function through me. As I begin to pray, the Holy Spirit opens that office for me to look into. I then begin to see words in picture form and begin to give voice to those words, to declare and speak them out in utterance as part of that office. I have seen that with the gift of teaching and evangelism. Many times, praying for the lost, for healing and miracles, pastoral for the sheep to do God’s will and walk in obedience.

When operating in the apostle’s office there comes such an authority like a mantle to take dominion over the enemy and his plans, and the word of wisdom [future] and knowledge [past and present] through discerning of the Spirit to operate very strongly as that anointing comes into manifestation. There is so much more I can say about this, but we will discuss the topic further in a later devotional. There is so much available to us in the Holy Spirit that we need Him to teach and help us to become more productive and have greater purpose to build the Kingdom and enforce satan’s defeat through prophetic prayer, which we use as warfare.

Keep building up yourself in your most Holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit!

6 thoughts on “The Ministry of the Holy Spirit in Prayer – Part 4”

  1. Thank You Lord for the Comforter who leads us to all truth and empowers us to flow in the supernatural.

    May He continue to increase while we decrease and may Your will be done in our lives.

  2. Nelliana Orefuwa

    What a prescious helper the holy spirit is to us. He gives the word of God in our mouth power and expression. How I love him and thank the lord Jesus for him 💗

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