The High Priest stands in our place

Hebrews 7:25-26, “Therefore, because He always lives to intercede for them, He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him. Jesus, then, is the High Priest that meets our needs. He is holy; He has no fault or sin in Him; He has been set apart from sinners and raised above the heavens.”

When the word talks about Jesus interceding, it means that He has taken our lack, weakness and shortcomings; He has taken that upon Himself as our High Priest. By taking it all, He replaces it by giving all that He has back to us. He meets every need according to His riches, for He is Christ – the anointed One – see Philippians 4:19.

He is the perfect High Priest – it befits Him. Meaning, He is perfectly suited to be our High Priest and meets our needs as He stands in the presence of God, doing this to the uttermost for us in perfect redemption and salvation because He feels perfectly the feelings of our infirmities. All because Jesus paid the perfect, highest price as our High Priest.

He has taken all responsibility on our behalf to stand in the place of our lack, shortcomings and needs, and He has become the lack in order to be the need to fulfil and comply perfectly as intercessor who can intercede and become the perfect One who meets all our needs.

He is the pure, undefiled, High Priest who stands in our place where we cannot stand – because we have a need, and only He can (as our High Priest, Jesus) take our place on behalf of us. As people living in a sinful world, we cannot stand in this righteousness alone, therefore He stands in our place as the High Priest.

The part that we need do is to come in faith standing on His promise, believing and fully trusting that He has perfectly and entirely fulfilled it already.

Jesus’ salvation was not just to redeem us from our sins (see John 10:10,10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)), but now that we have accepted Him as our Lord – He also takes that responsibility for us as Christians to help us, through the Holy Spirit. So that we can walk out His Plan, Purpose and His Will for our lives, to encourage us, enabling us to be strong and walk the walk of faith. We do this all while rejoicing in what He has already done in us.

Jesus is Lord by being the perfect High Priest who takes our place before the throne and presence of God, where He is already seated in the highest place of the Heavens.

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