Jesus our High Priest – Part 2

Hebrews 9 :24, “Christ did not go into a Holy Room that people had made on earth. A place like that is only a picture of the true place in heaven. No, Christ went into heaven itself, where God is. Now he is there with God and he speaks to God on our behalf.”

Jesus, as the High Priest of our intercession, has fulfilled all legal requirement in the law and all sacrificial duties to become our heavenly High Priest in His obedience to the will of God. He became the perfect mediator between man and God to stand in the heavenly courtrooms as a perfect High Priest, representing God to man, and man to God! For Christ is in a place not made by human hands, which is the real Holy Place of the Tabernacle [Temple], where He appears on our behalf in the presence of God Himself.

Jesus has became our temple, our sanctuary– He is the perfect image and the true form – when Moses went up into the mount he received a model to correspond to the original figure in heaven itself.

The most Holy Place is heaven itself; the mercy seat and the shekinah were symbols of the presence of God. The fact that He shows mercy in heaven means we can come boldly to that seated position of our heavenly seating as we are joined heirs of Christ, to find mercy and grace in our time of need. All because He is able to meet our need to the uttermost!

He presents Himself to appear as Christ alone beholding the very face of the Father in His perfect image.

Hebrews 10:12, ” But our High Priest offered Himself to God as a single sacrifice for sins, good for all time. Then he sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand.” Aaron as Levitical priest saw the cloud of Glory, but the High Priest in heaven is the very cloud of Glory Himself! There is no veil between Him and the Father. The blood of Christ through the eternal Spirt has cleansed our conscience once and for all to enter without any condemnation or guilt of our past. When Jesus sees us, He sees us through the Blood, faultless and guileless. He sees us in His righteousness; sinless and perfect. Hallelujah! All because the blood is perfect, the blood of the perfect High Priest.

Just like an advocate on behalf of his client, Christ appears in the courts of heaven for His elect, He represents his persons by representing Himself; His Blood, the perfect sacrifice, and righteousness. He introduces them into the presence of God. He does this by offering up their prayers with the incense of His mediation, by presenting Himself. Everything He paid for becomes ours; every lack becomes our abundance, any shortcomings becomes our overflow. Just as Paul says in Philippians 4:19 that “My God shall supply all your needs.” And he will do so “Far over and above that you might think or even ask.” in Ephesians 3:20 – This is the ministry of the perfect High Priest! How glorious and powerful?!

Scripture meditation:

Hebrews 9:11-15Christ is the mediator of the better covenant

Romans 8:27Christ intercedes according to the perfect will of God as High Priest

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