Prayer and the Glory – Part 5

In order to understand prayer, we have to understand the purpose of prayer and our spiritual growth. 

The essence of prayer is a two-way communication between you and your Creator and Saviour, where you open up your heart in conversation and stand in the gap for others as you intercede for sinners and pray the prayer of supplication for the saints.

Jesus, for me, is the perfect example; because He is the total fulfilment of the kingdom and God’s full plan. So again, to understand prayer, I look to Jesus and the results of His prayer life. 

As we look in the Epistles, we experience the Apostle Paul and his prayers for the saints, the growth of the body of Christ and how to change the world for the Gospel. The key to Jesus’s life of prayer is that He lived in the Glory. Paul explains to us how to live in that Glory in 2 Chronicles 7:1,”Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven; and the Glory of the Lord filled the house. 2 – And the priest could not enter the house of the Lord because the Glory of the Lord had filled the Lord’s house.

Jesus was the Lord’s physical house on earth and He was filled with the Glory of Heaven. He walked and manifested the Glory, and every prayer He prayed was answered because he was an expression of the Lord’s goodness and His mercies that endureth forever! He was the walking temple manifesting the Father.

In Luke 4:21 Jesus said, “And this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.” And on the cross He said that what was fulfilled is now finished or come to completeness. Then Jesus gives us the same authority, or mandate, to walk in that same completeness as an example to the world that we are the very image of Jesus, representing the Father and the Kingdom.

In Chronicles we read that the fire fell on the sacrifices first, and then the temple was filled with the glory. First we must pray a prayer of repentance [cleansing fire burns out the dross] because we manifest Glory, and need to keep ourselves pure and holy before the Father. Prayer works in the same manner of forgiveness, first we must forgive and release before we can enter His presence with boldness. 

Jesus told His disciples to wait in the upper room until they were endowed with power or Glory from on high. The two manifestations that appeared were the wind and fire, which are signs of Jesus manifesting His Glory. The same thing happens in us as we speak in our prayer language, just as it did in the upper room.

Jesus speaks through us continually as our Great High Priest. And because of Him, we can now enter into that Holy place with the same manner of confidence and assurance that our prayers are answered and heard, because the Glory in us answers the same Glory in heaven. 

Fire ascends because heat rises. Ask yourself; how hot are my prayers? Are they filled with glory?

7 thoughts on “Prayer and the Glory – Part 5”

  1. I would like to be part of your growing team, to yield in the power of holy ghost and to grow in prayer. Am really encouraged by your preaching.

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