Tremendous Power!

Tremendous Power!

The earnest heartfelt, continued prayer of a righteous makes tremendous power available dynamic in its working – James 5:16b AMPLC

When I read a scripture like this, I am always reminded of having the same results as Elijah when I pray. Putting a demand on my righteousness puts me in the same position to believe for even greater results and manifestations. We always must stretch our faith to new levels to believe in God for great things. We do not have the right to limit God in anything we put our faith in! The answer to a prayer lifestyle is in our hearts’ condition. Jesus said where your heart is there is your treasure. Solomon said out of the heart flows all the issues of life! We need to guard our hearts and protect them with diligence! Our spirit man is the seat of our existence, where we abide in and live our walk with the Father. Our hearts need to be tender, and sensitive to hear His voice. We need humility for the character of humbleness. Our conscience is the voice of our spirit man, and we need to protect him by abiding in the Word and living a Spirit-filled life governed by the love of God. We must cultivate the anointing we carry through His presence in obedience to have a heartfelt unction to produce the will of God!

Jesus has made us His righteousness meaning we have the same right standing He has with the Father in His presence. We come boldly not arrogantly but with wisdom. Sin no longer is the issue that brings condemnation we have the liberty to enter the Holy Place with the confidence to ask in faith. Not just to ask but to also to receive! Because Jesus has entered heaven itself as High Priest to minister through redemption by His own blood that now speaks better covenant established on better promises!

A continued prayer is a conditional prayer. John 15:7 – If you abide and have a living communion with Me then you can ask! Jesus said something interesting – they said Your mother Mary is outside – Jesus said I am here to do the will of the Father, and they that do the will of My Father are My true family my sister’s brothers, and mother! We need to abide to continue!

Working with the power of prayer you must find that kind of prayer in righteousness. The amplified bible says that you may be healed and restored to a spiritual tone of mind and heart in James 5 verse 17. The earnest, heartfelt, continued prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available dynamic in its working. Elijah prayed and prayed with the prayer of intensity! To avail much means with force to prevail and overcome to be successful in working the will of God in effectual and prayer filled with fire!

ESV – The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

TPT – for tremendous power is released through the passionate heartfelt prayer of a godly believer.

GW – Prayer offered by those who have God’s approval is effective.

The reference to this kind of prayer means “inwrought by the Spirit” or “inwrought prayer”. Prayer moves the arm that moves the world!

A prayer that has gone through righteousness the filter of grace and glory with no guile and pureness of heart. Elijah like a passionate man prevailed and was effectual, and fervent meaning his prayer was filled with fire, engulfed by the Spirit with the Spirit of Faith energizing his words. The Vulgate Latin version says it this way, “daily”; that prayer, which is constant and continual, and without ceasing, and is importunate: this prevails and succeeds. The Spirit of God breathed the breath of prayer into a spiritual man who was “inspired” and quickened. Such prayer cannot fail, it was “inwrought”. It was birthed in fervency to make it effectual and continual! When the will of God is asked in faith such prayer moves the mountain, and it cannot be denied. Whatever is asked is believed and received. It dispossesses satan and all his plans, kingdoms move, and nations repent. When enemies invade Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah show, judgments are removed as Moses prayed fire and fiery serpents dispersed. As Elijah prayed blessings in the form of rain come down. Peter was delivered from prison, through incessant prayer, and this power, efficacy, and prevailing prayer arose. The Spirit’s influence directed and urged it into the perfect plan of God that it is done according to His will. The prayer of a righteous man is like a shovel that turns the corn on the floor, from one place to another, so it turns the will of God from Glory to Glory!

Without the Spirit, we dry up, without the Word we blow up. But with the Spirit, we grow up, with the Word, we show up!

Tremendous power available dynamic in its working!

  1. Tremendous – massive, immense, enormous, gigantic.
  2. Power – Dunamis a power of a massive army enforcing itself exploding over the enemy.
  3. Dynamic – energetic, spirited, aggressive, forceful.
  4. Working – energized in its display, function, and operation.

What an honor for this word to be made manifest in our lives and to live in union with the Spirit, to manifest the fullness of the Glory. Our prayer life must be an example to the world and the Body of Christ of God’s accomplishments in the earth through us the righteous! The understanding of our righteousness gives us the boldness to stand our ground and surpass all blockages. We shall not be moved and will not compromise what we believe!

The effectual and fervent continued prayer of a bold righteous man, gigantic intense explosive demonstrated as a forceful army aggressive in its display energizes to function in its working!

Say with boldness I am fervent, I am bold, I am the righteousness of God, I have what I say. My prayers are filled with power, say boldly tremendous things happen when I pray! Give the Lord Praise for your victory!!

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