When I ask, and Nothing seems to Happen!

When you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them – Mark 11:25

When it seems, nothing is happening in the natural and it seems that your prayers have not been answered. Then we must know in whom we have believed and trusted. From my walk with Him through the years, I know at times He will not answer your prayer immediately. Sometimes He must speak to people, and they are not always obedient. Sometimes we are not spiritually mature He has to wait until we have grown into our prayer for Him to answer! Otherwise, I have seen Christians backslide because they were not spiritually ready to have the spiritual capacity to walk in that blessing. He answers us on the level of maturity, and we have grown in the Word because we carry the responsibility of trust! God does not answer us based on our good works or the 123 principles. Prayer does not move God; prayer moves us into a position to receive what He already has done! So, if I am not receiving it means I must keep on seeking until I get into the right position. How do I know I am in position; it is just like switching radio frequency to get the right channel. Things will become more apparent, and certain scriptures will begin to be quickened as I study and meditate on the word. Confirmation will start to take place. Hearing will become clearer!

I was in ministry with my dad for 21 years then he went home to be with the Lord, and my mom 3 weeks later. It was a very difficult and uncertain time because it happened so suddenly, and unexpectedly. I was watching Christian TV and a certain lady was teaching, and every question I had was answered. And after a few months, I was on the road to restoration. I never listened to her again after that. I was tuning myself into position! Then I heard a song I never heard before – He is God of the mountain. That began a process of bringing my victory back and slowly my joy returned.  I went to a church conference and an Apostle gave me a word that I would step on nations like a giant. That supported and resorted my vision because I lost my dream because of discouragement and disappointment. I had a brother in the Lord that would drive past my house and encourage me. This happened for a whole year. I was getting back into position! My heart was being prepared for a greater purpose and vision!

Your prayer life as a young believer is different, and mostly you’re asking based on self-motivation. Now that you have grown spiritually you’re asking and fellowship is based on friendship like Abraham and your closeness with Him is more intimate. You don’t ask so much anymore you enjoy His companionship. You enter a life of praise, thanksgiving, and worship. I was sitting in fellowship with the Lord and poured out my heart toward Him. I just heard a gentle nudge and said to be quiet and be still. I just sat quietly for a whole hour not saying or thinking anything. I thought nothing happened – then the revelation came as He said – All I wanted to be is in your presence! How does that change your whole understanding of intimacy? The King of Glory wants to be in your presence enjoying your company! That changed my whole concept of presence because I thought nothing was happening but the whole universe stopped just for Him to spend time with His son! I was moved into position!

Jesus told the 10 lepers to go show themselves to the priest as a sign of their healing, and the bible says as they went. They got healed but not instantly, as they took every step forward some part of their body was recovered. They went releasing their faith, receiving breakthroughs. Sometimes we must move in the right direction to get the correct answer!

You must Possess Your Promise!

We must understand we grow into Prayer, as we grow into God’s will! You must see where your faith is and the level of trust! I must possess the promise like Abraham did before we can pray the promise! We must be fit spiritually to possess what he gives! The woman with the issue of blood has to go to Jesus to get her healing. Nothing happened until she said If I touch Him.  Her words caused her faith to be released. She acted on her faith. And her words became the point of contact! She was made whole. Elijah told Naaman the leper went and dipped seven times in the river Jordan a very filthy. Our rivers are cleaner I am not going to wash here, but he changed his mind. He started washing once and twice thinking in my nation I am a Captain why must I here be treated like a nobody? But he was still not healed the fifth and sixth times nothing was happening! Thinking why must I obey a Prophet that sends his servant to speak to me? I thought he would come in the name of His Lord wave his arm and the leprosy would leave. After dipping the 7th time, he came out of the water cleansed. It seemed nothing happened, but the unseen promise had to become a reality to receive. He had to keep on obeying! Sometimes we must keep on keeping on before the harvest comes! Our thoughts must change the way we see Him answering us. It’s not the same old same old – His mercies are new every morning. But his breakthrough was imminent he had to press in and through.

And this is the confidence the assurance of boldness which we have in Him: we are sure that if we ask anything make any request according to His will in agreement with His own plan, He listens to and hears us. And since we positively know that He listens to us in whatever we ask, we also know with settled and absolute knowledge that we have granted us our present possessions the requests made of Him – 1 John 5:14, 15

James says, let him ask in faith without any doubt, and do not be like the waves tossed to and fro, for he who doubts will receive nothing! What happens between the asking and receiving? Let us first begin by asking in faith [meaning I have a scripture to stand on]. Jesus said I must believe that I have it before I have it. What did he mean? Simply He was saying faith sees the answer before it manifests – Mark 11:25! I always thought the harder I cry the quicker He will hear. I wanted to change God’s thinking to my level of thinking. What moves God is faith, not my unbelief! Jesus in His own hometown could do no miracles because they become familiar [friendly] with Him. Peter walking on the water took his eyes off Jesus put his faith in the storm and began to sink. He had faith in the word “come” and stepped out. Jesus stretched out His hand with His faith and Peter walked back to the boat! Asking starts the journey, so the bridge between when you receive are road signs that help stay on course. Through patience, you inherit the promises. Walking and staying in love through forgiveness will make that you never fail. Do not worry about anything but let thanksgiving prevail through peace. Your confidence is your reward to sustain your confession of faith. How do I know what I have asked is going to manifest?  One day I rebuked the devil concerning the car I was believing God for him to take his hands off my blessings. I began to praise God for the victory. After that, joy on the inside began to flood my spirit man as the anointing filled my heart. Within 2 months I got exactly the car and even exceedingly above that I asked for!

Jesus replied. “Listen to the truth. If you do not doubt God’s power and speak out of faith’s fullness, you can also speak to a tree and it will wither away. Even more than that. You could say to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and be thrown into the sea’ AND IT WILL BE DONE. Everything you pray for with the fullness of faith you will receive!” – Matt. 21:21, 22

When I ask the Lord about why some of my prayers weren’t answered He just said you are not ready spiritually and if I answered those prayers you would backslide, and there is a season and a timeline. I had to first build character in you because it is a process of maturity. Joseph had to learn that to get from the prison to the palace he had to get rid of his plan and follow God’s plan to reach his dream!

It is interesting Abraham had to BECOME FULLY persuaded it was a process. He had a promise of a son. But wanted to help God fulfill that promise by sleeping with Hagar. He had to wait another 14 years to BECOME FULLY PERSUADED. Then Sarah produced the promised son Isaac! The seed of the promise had to go through the process of incubation! Hannah had to possess the promise before she became pregnant! Maria had to say let it be according to thy Word. Jesus said not My will be done! Elisha had to throw a stick for the axe head to float. David had to get the stones. Jesus had to become the curse so that we could become the blessing! We go through temptations and tests. God makes a way of escape. The Glory carries you through the valley to the mountain top! Jesus knew Peter would deny him, but He said I have prayed that your faith will not fail. We must know that the promise is yes and amen, and never returns empty of accomplishing the fullness of His plan!

Choose the life He set before you so that your seed might live! We need to change our attitude, renew our minds, and become more obedient, and our faith to become more effective by walking in love! Today’s Christians want everything easy and do not want to pray a price of being followers of Christ. Paul was in prison began to praise and pray God send an earthquake! We must allow the process of the promise to become the reality of the promise – Abraham offered Isaac the promise to become the reality of Jesus upon the cross!

Truth – Abraham had to become more fully persuaded in God’s righteousness to possess the promise for it to become a reality. Righteousness opened the door to God’s presence to obtain the promise!

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