You cannot separate the prayer life of Jesus from the Glory of God. Whenever Jesus spent time fellowshipping with His Father in the Glory, and as He stepped into the secret place He knew that the enemy had no access nor place in the Glory.
When we look at the mount of transfiguration in Luke 9:29 Jesus went up into the mountain to pray and He came back glowing in Glory, “As he prayed, his face began to glow until it was a blinding glory streaming from him. His entire body was illuminated with a radiant glory. His brightness became so intense that it made his clothing blinding white, like multiple flashes of lightning.” And when we look at Matthew chapter 17 Jesus was transfigured before them, and His face shone like as the sun.
The condition of the heart opens the door of the supernatural through prayer – your motive will always reveal your spiritual condition.
Let us look at the word ‘prayer’ that Luke uses, it means to supplicate, to be earnest and to open up in prayer. It opens up the realm of the Spirit to enter into the place of mysteries being revealed, just as it happened to Elijah the prophet and Moses
When we walk in the Spirit, we fulfil both the Spirit and the Truth as we overcome the flesh and any demonic influence. We have this authority because One greater that has come to fulfil both all the prophetic words spoken about/to Him and to bring in a new order and dispensation of Grace and Truth – Jesus came and fulfilled both, in the Spirit of Glory.
Jesus said that, “I only do what I see My Father do, and I only say what I hear My Father say.” Let me ask you a question; where did He see and hear the Father? Well, when He went into the Glory world of answered prayer, just as Adam and Eve went into that realm in the Garden when they walked with God.
There were different ways that Jesus prayed when He prayed for the sick and for people with needs, He kept His connection to flow of the river of life that poured out through Him consistently. Remember when Jesus prayed on the mountain in Matthew 14:23 for 9 hours? The Glory shone all around and on Him when He came out of that prayer atmosphere and caused Him to walk on the water. The natural realm had to submit to the authority that was in the atmosphere and Glory of prayer.
Jesus was on a mission to minister to those carrying disease, to the weak lying in their beds and for those with faith who boldly touched the hem of His garments. Every person Jesus prayed for was made perfectly whole, because of His Glory. Jesus walked in the supernatural in a natural body. In other words, not as the Son of God but as the Son of Man. Jesus’s constant prayer life had produced a lifestyle of great harvest for us to follow and walk in unto eternal life.
Jesus is the perfect High Priest of Glory!