“He was made a High Priest, not by human rules and regulations, but through the power of an indestructible life” – Hebrews 7:16
Christ has been constituted as the High Priest, not according to the powerless letters of the law, but according to the powerful element of an indestructible life, which nothing can dissolve. It is an endless, eternal life being and divine life. Jesus is the uncreated life, and Glory and the resurrection life which has passed through the test of death and hades. It is by such life that Christ ministers today as our High Priest.
He does not just intercede on our behalf but takes our place. The word power means dunamis in the Greek, but in todays language it means ability or supernatural endearment from His presence.
This life that represents the very Glory of God is the very place where eternity creates its habitation. This indestructible life represents the very foundation of our redemption in our High Priest – it is established and cannot be shaken.
The term IN CHRIST is the very embodiment of my identity and character IN Him. So, when I see myself through the mirror of the Word, I see an eternal covenant that is sealed by the Blood of Christ. This defines who I am in Christ through His substitution and identification. When I see Jesus as my merciful and faithful High Priest, I see Him as my success because He became my failure; I see Him as my Healer because He became my sickness, I see Him as my deliverer because He became bondage. He is my answer to prayer because whatever I ask the Father in Jesus Name, He will give it to me. Jesus is my victory and overcomer because He became my defeat.
I see Him as the God of Love because He became my hate, resentment and unforgiveness so that I could be forgiven and be restored. Jesus became the law to die for me because the law could not redeem me – it revealed the weakness of man.
Plainly said, Jesus becomes the law in order to fulfil it, so that He could take us into the life of the Spirit and complete victory, where the Spirit of faith operates so that we can receive everything He has done for us! So, when I say I am weak I am saying Jesus is weak. When I say that, I negate the power of the indestructible life and then I trust the flesh to strengthen me which in itself cannot give you strength and defeats us. But when I say “I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might”, I release the anointing of that life that gives me the ability (dunamis) to overcome!
Praise the Lord, it is Christ living in me, the life which is indissoluble!!