It’s Manifestation Time!
The life of Jesus on the earth and His calling was to Glorify His Father. He came into the world as a manifestation of the Father. He said if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father. I and the Father are ONE. If you love Me the Father will come and love you, and I Jesus will manifest Myself to you! I will reveal Myself to you! I will come show you Myself [John 14:21]. Jesus manifests Himself in different manifestations through the Spirit for us to understand our timeline in the Spirit and for things escalating with demonstrations.
Jesus is manifesting Himself in signs and wonders healings and miracles, breakthrough deliverances, restoration, and dreams. But the greatest of all is He manifests Himself as Lord Redeemer Saviour. Paul cried out that I may know HIM in the power of His resurrection that is a Manifestation of Himself. When in prayer I heard these words, IT IS MANIFESTATION TIME then I began to speak about blind Bartimaeus, Jesus said, “What do you want Me to do unto you”, he answered that I might receive my sight. Jesus MANIFESTED THE HEALING POWER. The woman that satan bound as a daughter of Abraham she was loosed after 18 years she was made straight and glorified God. She received her MANIFESTATION. The man has been at the pool for 38 years, waiting for someone to put him in. Jesus says to Him take up your bed and walk, IAM YOUR POOL. I have no man to put me in Jesus says I AM YOUR MANIFESTATION – I AM YOUR MAN! When the paralyzed man was let down from the roof there was a MANIFESTATION OF RISE UP AND WALK!
Prayer does not move God – Prayer moves you into a position to receive what He already has done! When I position myself, I put my faith to work to receive the answer. The woman with the issue of blood made faith statements to position herself to be healed. The healing was in a bodily form [Acts 10:38] there but she needed to act on her faith to receive what already belonged to her! She did 4 laws of faith to receive her healing, SHE SAID IT, SHE BELIEVED IT, SHE ACTED ON IT, SHE RECEIVED IT. She touched the FAITH in Jesus that PUT HERSELF IN POSITION TO RECEIVE HER MANIFESTATION. The MANIFESTATION ALWAYS COMES WHEN WE RELEASE OUR FAITH. We do not seek the manifestation it is the fruit of our believing – we seek the source His Name is Jesus the Word! Faith positions you to receive! When Jesus saw the centurion and the words, he used to command his soldiers He said I have not seen this kind of faith working. He saw the power of faith releasing words that created a result and set up the position to receive and do the command! Speak the Word and my servant shall be made whole. The Word created the position for him to be healed! Specific prayers get specific results! Jesus said YOU HAVE WHAT YOU SAY – YOU POSITION YOURSELF THROUGH YOUR WORDS!
When I get things in order it means I am getting ready to receive. When the singers were sent out to defeat the enemy they began to sing the Lord is Good and His mercies endureth forever. They were setting things IN ORDER for the enemy to turn against one another and the angels to work. When Gideon’s obedience released the 300 men broke the vessels, shouted, blew the trumpets, and wave the torches they got things IN ORDER for the power to work to destroy the enemy. Gideon was a farmer, not a warrior, but God saw faith in him and as he blew his trumpet and they said the sword of the lord and Gideon. They did not have swords to fight with, but Gideons word was a sword, and 132000 men were confused and the enemy defeated itself. The order that was created defeated the enemy! When one angel went out and killed 185 000 Assyrians he came and set things in order! When they marched around Jericho’s walls on the 7th day, they shouted setting things IN ORDER!! The priest blew their horns, and the people shouted a great shout!!! WE ARE SETTING THINGS IN ORDER!
When the Father raised His Son from the dead by His Glory. We see in John 11 Lazarus coming alive what did Jesus say Lazarus came forth, which meant everything had to be reversed that caused His death so that in the future death has no power BUT NOW MANIFESTS RESURRECTION LIFE! When the earth and the heavens were created Jesus or Christ the Glory used His Glory to create, but when Jesus was raised from the dead the Father used His Glory to raise His Son from the dead because this Glory had to go into eternity past and eternity future to reverse and restore the effects of sin this MANIFESTATION WAS A GREATER GLORY. This is called THE GOSPEL OF GLORY. We are redeemed back into the Glory! When there is a manifestation it means there is a dwelling place for this GLORY!
How God anointed and consecrated Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with strength and ability and power, how He went about doing good and in particular, curing [healing] all who were harassed and oppressed by the power of the devil, for God was with Him! Acts 10:38
The reason the Son of God was made MANIFEST [visible] was to undo [destroy, loosen, and dissolve] the works the devil [has done].