The Prayer of Persistence – Part 1

Isaiah 45:11 – Command ye Me concerning the Works of My hands.

We must know the works of His hands before we can pray for the fulfilment of what is being asked! When we look at His works, we look at His acts of doing, His achievements! We look at all the examples of the Word, men, and women God used to display Himself His Glory through these vessels, the acts, and deeds! We see mighty and powerful manifestations demonstrated as the works of His hands! Here comes the revelation the word command can be referred to as order meaning we can make a demand on the word. Holding God’s word accountable for what He has said. Is. 43:26 – Put me in remembrance let us plead together. It is like a lawyer defending his case with the truth. Remembrance means His works! Mal. 3:16 says the book of remembrance the book of records is before those who fear the Lord and think of His Name! Hearing the word of the truth as we believe that every promise is sealed by the Holy Spirit. We have a guarantee a token of payment the Holy Spirit is the pledge the seal of every promise. The Holy Spirit has purchased every promise through the blood giving us a foretaste of our eternal inheritance.  That is why we can come NOW BOLDLY to the throne room of the sealed promise of grace and ASK, AND IT SHALL BE OPENED. When we command, we order what is available. It is like placing an order via a mail order you saw online. You order what is available, and you demand an item you ordered because of something that will achieve what you ask for and desire. When you go to a shop to buy a TV, it says R2000, but when you go to the cashier, it says R2500. You can make a demand and say this is what the price says. You are limited to the order of availability to the knowledge of what you have!

The persistence of faith. This man had a friend who came at midnight who has come out of the way. This man goes to his friend and he answers I HAVE NOTHING! Do not trouble me the door is shut my children are sleeping, I cannot rise to give you what you need because he is his friend. But because of his persistence, his friend rose and gave him as much as he needed. Because he asked in persistence, he sought in persistence and he received in persistence. We must understand a few principles here: there was nothing to GIVE his friend. So goes to the source of the place of provision. But his provision does not open the door, they are busy sleeping do not bother me. I am not listening, go away! We know God is El Shaddai the God of more than enough, His ear is not heavy that he cannot hear His arm is not short to redeem. Our Father is looking for a steadfast heart, persistent in its perseverance opens the door of faith, to receive all He has for us! Faith is the key that is not moved by circumstance it is only moved by what does the Word say! When Jacob slept on the rock and saw the heavens open built an altar and anointed the rock and called the place Bethel. Jacob wrestled with God in Gen. 32:22-32 and changed his name to Israel. His persistence to persevere when he said I WILL NOT LET GO UNTIL YOU BLESS ME. This was his day distress, but God answers him and blessed him saying you shall be fruitful and multiply nations shall be in you, and kings shall come out of thy loins, and the land that I swore to Abraham, and thy seed I will give it to you! His perseverance opened a greater door! We know Jesus upon the cross, Him being beaten, going through the suffering, hanging on the cross could easily be given up through the pain, and the bleeding BUT HE PERSEVERED PRESS THROUGH HE DID NOT GIVE UP.  He came to do the WILL OF THE FATHER, NOT His own! Jesus with joy saw the result with patience endured the cross, seeing Himself seated with His Father at His right side. This means everything that sin lost He finished His course to pay the full price, and now can sit on the right hand of the throne the place of full authority and dominion!

The woman with the issue of blood that bled for 12 years gave voice to her faith that persisted, and she persevered through her pain because she knew the answer would come. Her consistency in saying the same thing cause her to receive her healing, for 12 years she carried the vision of her healing and restoration. She saw the answer she gave voice to the conviction of her faith and complete trust in the Word. Saying if I can only touch the hem of HIS garment I shall be restored. It was like 12 years of such pressure building up in her faith to receive. Jesus makes the profound statement I felt the promise was touched because the anointing was released. Who touched Me in faith! She possessed her promise through perseverance!

Because we have kept the command to persevere, we are kept from the hour of trial which comes upon the whole world. To persevere is a command. Praying with all manner of prayer with supplication praying in the Spirit and being vigilant with all perseverance. Through faith and patience, we inherit the promises [Heb. 6:12]. Faith comes by hearing, but patience comes by development and knowing the character of God! The fierceness to persist and forbear to persevere like a bulldog that will not let go until I walk in the fullness of the promise. That is why you never come to a place of being satisfied because you know there is so much more to obtain!

We can say what God’s word says about who we are and stand on His covenant promises and walk in His place to persevere because we can say, “I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.” For what He has promised has He said, and will He not do it, has He not spoken it, and shall He not make it good! WE PRESS IN, PERSIST WITH OUR FAITH, AND PERSEVERE UNTIL WE GET THE DESIRED RESULT!


7 Ways to determine your persistence:

  1. Mental toughness
  2. Spiritual fortitude
  3. A hunger to see the answer
  4. Possess the Promise
  5. When Jesus is asking a question, your faith must be ready to answer
  6. Single-minded
  7. Stubborn faith mix with high praise

The key to persistence is not our strength to make it happen through our own ability, and might but by My Spirit says the Lord!

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