Open Doors

Keys…Open Doors…Harvest Time!

When we are open to the Holy Spirit to speak to us, He will always lead us to a place of obedience and God’s plan and purpose. As I was preparing to teach on how Abraham prayed the Holy Spirit directed me to teach and minister on Keys and Open doors. When the Lord redirected me, it was during the feast of Tabernacles. I did not know this, but the Jewish New Year is the year of the Open Door! And starting to pray this by the leading of the Holy Spirit! During this time, I stayed on a wheat farm preparing for Harvest time. When God puts you in place and things come together it is for a Kairos moment in the Spirit to bring the prophetic to pass! I call it a Now Word a Rhema Word. In the Spirit, God opens a door for a specific manifestation to bring to pass a season to take you into the next season for a set time! To release His favor for a manifestation of what He has spoken!  


Jesus is the only man-God in the trinity who stands in the gap as the one who owns the keys to open or close doors. His price in redemption gives Him the ownership to possess the covenant right to act on our behalf as redeemer. A door is only what He can open and close because He has the authority of the key of David. That means that Jesus has authority no man possesses! When the veil was split, and the door opened into the Holy of Holies Jesus entered as our High Priest with His Blood on the ark of the Covenant the mercy seat. And there the blood speaks on our behalf as the keys of Heaven. Whatever is needed whatever needs to be said whatever needs to be done. The future is under the blood as our guarantee is sealed and the H.S. oversees that everything comes to pass! When Jesus was resurrected, He gave us the Gift of words in speaking in other tongues. And with every word in the Spirit that we pray we release keys that unlock the heavenly treasure of everything that pertains to life and godliness! With keys, we release mysteries and divine secrets our words on earth are just as powerful as Jesus’ words in heaven. Jesus is the doorkeeper! He opens and He closes. We can open doors through our obedience and close doors through our disobedience!

We must look at progressive revelation as Peter says that Jesus is the Christ [Matt. 16:13-20] the anointed One who carries the anointing that destroys every yoke of the enemy Then Jesus says My Father in heaven revealed this to you. Then Jesus says upon this revelation which now becomes a rock I will build My church [ecclesia] the called-out ones. And the gates [entrances] of hell [hades] shall not prevail against My church. Then Jesus says I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens whatever they bind on earth has been bound in the heavens. Whatever you loose on earth has been loosed in the heavens! It starts with the revelation of Christ then it becomes a rock then it becomes a church the Christ, then the gates of hell are being overthrown. Then those who have the revelation get THE KEYS INTO THE HEAVENS TO BIND AND LOOSE TO OPEN DOORS!

And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep and seeing the prison DOORS OPEN – Acts 16:27. We see with Paul he tried to hinder him – 1Th 2:18 because we wanted to come to you—indeed, I, Paul, once and again—but Satan hindered us. But God always makes away even the crooked path He makes straight. Daniel said he withstood me, but Paul reminds us of God’s faithfulness in 1 Cor. 16:9 THAT A GREAT AND EFFECTUAL DOOR HAS BEEN OPENED.

HOW DO I KEEP THE DOOR OPEN? Here are KEYS to the promises that unlock the blessings!

  • And the door of faith was opened – Acts 14:27
  • The confidence your steps are ordered – 1 John 5:14, 15; Ps. 37:23
  • The thoughts of the diligent shall guide him – Prov. 21:5; 13:4; 3 John 2
  • Boldness keeps the door open – Heb. 4:16
  • Walking in a renewed mind – Rom. 12:3; Phil. 4:6-8
  • Prepare to go through your miracle is on the other side – John 6:17-21
  • Praying up – Spirit up – Matt. 26:36-53; Rom. 8:26-28; Eph. 5:18, 19
  • Minds open to receive – Mark 5:25-34
  • Faith please God – Heb. 11:1-3; 6; Rom. 10:17
  • Obedience – Is. 1:19; 1 Pet. 1:2
  • Renewed in the attitude of your mind having a right mindset – Eph. 4:23
  • The love walk of forgiveness – 1 Cor. 13:4-8, 13; Mark 11:24, 25
  • The depth of your Praise determines the greatness of your Harvest – Ps. 67:6
  • The Door of Fullness – Eph. 3:20; 1:23
  • Glory: The open the door to everything of His Goodness – Ex. 33:18, 19
  • To be renewed [to see] is for our transformation to the Image of Christ – 2 Cor. 3:17, 18

What hinders us from entering is that we are not sure what kind of door we are going through because there are different kinds of doors: bathroom, car, and office. I know when I go through the bathroom doors I am going to bathe, brush my teeth, and comb my hair. so I know what to expect and also what I want to do. When I study, meditate, read healing scriptures, and go through the door of healing I go to receive my healing and not admire the view. I go with intent, and purpose and am focused. BECAUSE MY PURPOSE IS TO RECEIVE WHAT JESUS RIGHTFULLY PAID FOR ME!

To keep the door open I must walk in line with His Word. God is faithful to fulfill His part. I must abide in Him and His Word has to have its full course in me as I abide in the vine, and I stay crafted in and there is a continual flow of life to keep the door open.


Study Notes! Romans 8 verse 1-7 For the control of the standard of the Spirit of life flowing through the anointing of Jesus has liberated us from the law of sin and death.

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