
Characteristics of Prayer!


Character is the personality that makes you who you are. Peter said we have His divine nature having escaped the corruption of the flesh! Jesus is the chief cornerstone, and He is our example He is the life and the nature of God because He is the Word that becomes flesh. If we want to understand the Father, we must look at the life of Jesus as an example. Paul said we must be imitators! Character reveals the essence of the person.

Faithfulness: Grace and Peace

When the letters were written most start with the will of God, a faithful servant, then continues with grace and peace from God the Father. And this is the answer the Lord gave me and said many want my grace and walk in my peace but they are not faithful to the Kingdom and being obedient to My Word! So many want their prayer answered, but they do not possess the ingredient of faithfulness! It is a character trait we need to develop through our lifestyle of commitment! It comes the more we trust him in His ability and power for we know in ourselves we can do nothing. When I look at Jesus and His faithfulness, He is dependable and everything about Him is trustworthy. Everything He did was tested by faith to reveal His Godly character. Whatever He did He saw the Father do and speak. Jesus did likewise that was His total obedience to the Father. You hear the Father speak My Son in whom I am well pleased – hear ye Him! Jesus is and was a complete expression of His Father. He said if you have seen Me, you have seen Him, My authority is not out of Myself! Faithfulness comes from doing the right thing and the desire to fulfill. Pushing it through to the end. Have I not said it will I not do it I will purpose it to fulfilment. My covenant is found in My faithfulness! My words are bound by My Word to you – I am Faithful! The cry of your heart is because I Love Him!


  • In all God’s house
  • Keeping the law and covenant
  • Walking in the Anointing
  • Serving with the right heart and attitude
  • Carry the fear of God
  • To the seed to perform the Word
  • In your calling
  • He preserves the righteous
  •  Walk perfectly
  • Conceals a matter
  • The wounds of a friend
  • Abound with blessings
  • You are chosen
  • Wise servant
  • Authority over 10 cities
  • Good steward
  • Faith connected to faithfulness
  • Grace and Peace be yours
  • Shall be established and be kept from evil
  • Counted you faithful being put into the ministry
  • Benefits of obedience
  • Hold fast to your confession He is faithful that promised
  • Forgives
  • Crown of life

One of the fruits of your recreated born-again spirit is faith or faithfulness in Gal. 5:22 and it develops into character. It is a strong conviction to believe and have confidence. Born of faith in the truthfulness of the Word, the idea of trust and holy fervor born of faith and conjoined with it! The Spirit of faith works when we believe and speak with our mouths our conviction of truth it becomes what we believe!  Faithfulness must be tested just like faith to see the trustworthiness of the reality of who you are in your character! Moses was found faithful in all His House as a servant for a testimony.

Rev 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness, He doth judge and make war. 

One who can be believed because He honors His Word and is truthful in all His actions! Faithfulness carries the fruit of discipleship, diligence, perseverance, commitment, obedience and the greatest of all is love that brings forth servanthood!

Deut. 7:9 – Know recognize and understand therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the FAITHFUL GOD, who keeps covenant and steadfast love and mercy with those who love Him and keep His commandments, to a thousand generations!

Faithfulness is a key that unlocks the chambers of God’s possessions that are in Christ, that make them mine! When I pray that character the steadfastness of who He is, is my stability and firm foundation that becomes my rock of FAITHFULNESS! BECAUSE GOD IS FAITHFUL!

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