“Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession!” – Psalms 2:8
When you are in the Glory there is a level that you move in God’s nature and His character becomes so real that you step into the unknown. It is a revealed realm to be believed and received and a mystery that becomes known. The Spirit of Seeing and Knowing comes into manifestation. When you move into the Glory realm, you hear and see things that cannot be explained in the natural. The wisdom and spiritual insight that is needed to bring from the unseen realm into the seen, and for people to understand and have revelation to move forward with a heavenly assignment. What has been seen and heard becomes an apostolic calling to impart to the Body so that they fulfil their destiny and calling!
One of the Kingdom’s secrets is to ask, but also how to ask. If one of your children would come and ask for something and he asked wimpishly, I would question that because he did not mean to ask, and he does not really want what he is asking for! The word here for ask is a strong word of demand by implication, meaning that whatever you are asking for, you know what you want because you are asking based on your right to ask, and that which you have asked for, you have consulted with your co-workers. This asking is full of intent and has the covenant to back it up. It is not merely a request but a demand that is granted! The nations become your estate–your occupancy. The nations become your possession to seize and to take ground!
What do I ask for?
- That righteousness shall prevail sin brings a reproach
- Leaders and kings in authority that do not acknowledge Jehovah or whose heart is hardened to be removed
- That evil men, in their wickedness, be exposed and judged
- That the harvest for that nation that God has intended will be reaped and its destiny be fulfilled
What is the result?
- That righteousness brings peace and prosperity
- That Jehovah is served, feared, and His Kingship is acknowledged and rejoiced in
- That Jesus the Son is glorified because our refuge is in Him lest His anger be kindled in wrath
- God’s blessing be released and the cursed reversed
I was flying once over a nation in Africa and all I saw was drought, devastation, and destruction. And I heard the Lord say, “This is the curse of destruction because the leadership of that nation has not obeyed my commands and the curse is operating as a mechanism of what has been sowed, and the earth will not yield its fruit! Because of the greed of leadership to benefit itself at the expense of its own people being used and controlled.” Through the jezebel spirit they have opened the door to manipulation and to manifest an unclean spirit. Poverty has taken hold of people’s mindset and thinking through oppression, hopelessness, and the spirit of witchcraft which has intoxicated the people to be zombies and to accept everything as truth but it’s a lie.
They have become passive with no resistance and see their situation as normal and as a part of life. When you revert to lawlessness, which is destructiveness, destroying the earth and whatever you touch you are spreading the curse of poverty and uncleanness. I have seen this in my nation and call it the orphan spirit, where corruption, dishonesties, lies, arrogance, and “I want your luxurious lifestyle, but I steal, rob and kill to get what I want!” It blames everybody else but not itself. It takes no responsibility. That is exactly how satan functions in his defeated kingdom; “I took nothing from Adam and Eve — blame the snake. You will be like me because I have eaten from that tree, so when you submit to me you will be my creation.”
Twisted truth can only become a false truth when you believe it. When you judge others and call them racist but they themselves hate other groups. But you dare not accuse them. When you have this kind of spirit operating through you, you always want to make others feel condemned, so that you can control them through witchcraft which manifests through the flesh and to rule over them. It makes them feel good about themselves by giving free grants in exchange for votes so that they can exercise control over people. When you are blinded by the god of this world you operate in darkness, but you call it light because you have been deceived through sin which you call good.
The tree in the garden was called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Good is religion trying to change God into my thinking and your culture of ancestors and belief system to conform people to your corrupt understanding. Evil is mayhem, destruction, and death which are all part of the curse.
Where division is, there is hate, self-centeredness, and lust, meaning to benefit self at the expense of others. Satan who is the god of this world and confusion [to cause disarray] is 100 percent evil, vile, and corrupt. When a government creates its own ethic committee, you become the same person that examines your own your corruption to say I am the conscience of the nation; calling evil good!
The evil one is called the great pretender. He comes as a roaring lion, not like one (1 Peter 5:8). Jesus said, “But the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy” [John 10:10]. That is his agenda in every nation. But Jesus has come to give us life in abundance and overflow in every sphere of our lives to overcome. We have to be led by the Spirit at all times to protect and He gives us insight into the schemes and plans of the evil one.
We must have a working knowledge of the scripture to have the discernment to judge what is happening. Otherwise, we will be deceived by fake news and people! We need to be awake spiritually and yield to the anointing that teaches us truth through the Holy Spirit. We need clear minds walking in the Mind of the Spirit. Praying in the Spirit puts you in a place of being awakened to spiritual things. It opens the door to supernatural insight into the mind of Christ!
“The nations are our inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for our possession.” – Psalms 2:8
Inheritance – as our occupancy to possess uttermost pasts, meaning the end of all ends [nothing left out].
Possession – which is seized by force.
“You will break them with a rod of iron, you shall dash them into pieces like a potter’s vessel.” – Psalms 2:9
The Easy translation says, “The iron sceptre will break and shatter the clay pots.” Jesus has this sceptre in His hand (Heb. 1:9).
Israel, the nation of destiny and the apple of God’s eye is the purpose of glorifying Jehovah as God; A nation that follows the commands of God. When we look at how satan has tried everything to destroy God’s hand upon a people chosen for His destiny, then we look at America and the founding fathers and how they have acknowledged God in their constitution and His laws and how satan tried to stop a nation from preaching the Gospel.
Then we see in 1 Peter 2:9 that we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, A HOLY NATION [a people who carry a truth, one new man], a people for a possession, so that you may tell out the virtues of Him who has called you out of darkness into His glorious light! We were nations of the flesh, circumcised by the hand of the flesh, alienated from Israel, strangers having no covenant, no hope without God, but because of the blood of Christ, we have been brought into the fold and the middle wall that divides and made us enemies has been abolished.
And because of the commandments of the law the flesh, or the veil that Christ removed, all divisions of nations and the Jewish people and us in Christ, He calls us ONE NEW MAN IN CHRIST.
So that the Jewish people can be grafted into the Church as born-again believers as they accept Christ and His finished work! Peace now prevails. Now we have access by one Spirit unto the Father. We are members of the household of nations, Jesus the cornerstone, and being built together as a dwelling place of His Spirit. We all have a desire to go to the nations and preach the Gospel. But our greatest desire is to pray for the nations to break up the fallow ground so that the doors can open and proclaim the good news. It has been built into our hearts as part of our inheritance to pray and ASK FOR THE NATIONS! It is part of our possession. Every born-again child of God has the cry in their hearts to fulfil the great commission in Mark 16 and Matt 28.
I believe before I can preach to a nation. I must first have the heart for that nation before I can intercede. Paul’s commission is found in Acts 26:18; to open the eyes, turn from darkness and authority of satan to God. Even at times, the Spirit forbade him to preach because they were not ready to receive the Rhema word [Acts 16:6], then he goes to Macedonia because the door opened [Acts 16:10].
Study Notes – Eph. 2:11-22, Rev. 19:11-18 – heaven opened, faithful and true, He judges to make war, armies of heaven, He comes to enforce His Lordship established through us in Rev. 1:6